Page 120 of The One You Want
“And he went out of his way to not see Rose until now. If he’d simply told you...”
She waved that away. “It doesn’t matter now. I’d already decided in my heart what I needed to do; I just hadn’t talked to him or anyone else about it. In the end, he made the decision so much easier and validated that I’d made the right choice.”
Joel squeezed her shoulder. “You were really going to cancel the wedding and come back to me?” Wonder and relief filled his voice.
She met his gaze and held it, needing so badly to see the truth in his eyes. “Do you really want to have children because youwantto be a father? Or did you say it just to make me happy?”
“I denied myself an opportunity for real happiness with you because of the way my parents acted with each other and me. I’m not them. I have the experience to know better. I don’t have to do and act the way they did with me. I can be a good father and partner to you without playing tug-of-war with our child if something I don’t expect to happen to us happens. I love you, Maggie. I will be the husband and father you need me to be,because I want to be the best I can be at those things. I want it all, but most of all I want you.”
He laid his heart on the line for her and kissed her to seal the promise he’d made.
That was all she needed to hear, because with Joel, she had now what they’d had before: trust, love, and honesty.
Maggie dove into the kiss knowing it was not the start of something, but the continuation of something that had always felt meant to be.
It felt right.
It felt like coming home.
When Maggie and Joel came up for air, Maggie found they had an audience.
Rose and Gray sat across the table from them. Rose was eating a chip with queso and smiling so big it lightened Maggie’s heart to see her so happy. “I take it you two are back together.”
Maggie leaned into Joel and smiled for the first time since everything fell apart yesterday. “Yes. I mean, I’m still dealing with the fallout from my breakup, but yes. Joel and I never stopped loving each other; we just thought we wanted different things. Now that we’re in agreement . . .” She didn’t know what else to say. They were moving forward. Which was perfect for her because she wanted to leave Marc in the past and chalk up her relationship with him as a mistake she wouldn’t make again. She’d gone headfirst into marrying Marc without taking the time to watch for inconsistencies and incompatibilities.She’d focused solely on the good and dismissed anything that didn’t sit right with her because she wanted so much for Marc to be the one who gave her the life she wanted.
But having what you want and being happy are sometimes two very different things.
Joel took her hand. “Now that we’re in agreement, we’re going to spend time together, getting reacquainted. We’re going to plan for the future we want but not rush things. We have time.” Joel turned to her. “A lifetime.”
Maggie brushed her fingers down the side of his handsome face, then turned to Rose and Gray. “I didn’t realize that Marc separated me from the ones I love. We spent all our time together, but not with our friends and family.” She held Rose’s gaze. “I know we stayed in touch through emails, phone calls, and texts, but that’s just not enough.”
Rose reached across the table and took her hand. “No, it’s not. I promise, we will spend more time together.”
“I’m glad you feel that way, because I’d like to welcome you and Gray to the very first of our weekly double dates.”
Rose lit up with a bright smile. “I love that idea.” She turned to Gray. “Are you in?”
“It wouldn’t be a double date if I didn’t show up. You’d just be the awkward third wheel. I’d never let that happen to you.”
Rose gave Gray a quick kiss. “We’re in.”
Maggie sighed with relief. This is what she wanted. A partner. Her friends. A family. A life filled with happiness and love. “I was thinking we’d meet for dinner once a week. Thursday,maybe.” She met Gray’s gaze. “Rose is a homebody. She’s going to want to stay in with you all the time.”
Gray turned to Rose. “I don’t mind that. I eat out a lot for work with customers and business associates, so when I get home, I just want to relax. With you would be perfect.” Gray faced Maggie. “But I know how much you mean to Rose and I’m looking forward to getting to know you and Joel much better.” Gray held his hand out to Joel. “It’s good to meet you, man. Looks like we’re going to be hanging out a lot.”
“Sounds good to me,” Joel said. “Whatever makes Maggie happy.”
Gray nodded. “I know what you mean. And Rose will be working at my company soon, so it’ll be no problem for us to drive to dinner together and meet up with both of you.”
Maggie eyed Rose. “When did you take a job at Gray’s company?”
Rose bumped her shoulder into Gray’s. “I have an interview. We’ll see what happens.”
“Jay is going to beg you to work for him.” Gray showed total faith in Rose. “You’ll take his offer because you’re dying to be closer to me.”
Rose chuckled and shook her head. “Don’t mind him. Ever since last night he hasn’t let me out of his sight.”
“Because when I do you end up getting arrested,” Gray teased, though it could have turned out a lot different if Gray’s dad hadn’t helped sort out the family drama.
Rose held up a finger. “One time. Are you sure you want to take me on?”
Gray touched his forehead to Rose’s. “I know what I want. You.”
Joel shook his head. “Maggie told me what happened. Marc really had it out for you two.”
“Yeah, I’m not sure I’m ready for the next family dinner.” Rose grimaced.
Gray stared long and hard at Rose, something possessive and loving in his eyes. “I’ll never let him hurt you again.”
Maggie had no doubt Gray and Rose were going to go the distance. They had something special. She bet they’d be engaged within a year. Gray wouldn’t let Rose get away. Rose would be happy with Gray, a man who knew how to love, and who saw how wonderful and beautiful she was inside and out.