Page 7 of The One You Want
The grin turned up a notch. “Promise. Now go help Maggie. I’m sure she’s missed you as much as I have.”
Rose stood to leave, but hesitated. “About Poppy...”
“She’s lost in a lot of anger and pain. I’ve tried to pull her out of it, but...”
“What happened?”
Her mom looked up at her, sadness and regret clouding her eyes. “It’s... complicated. And too long a story to tell now. Go. It can wait.”
“I’m worried about her.”
“You should be. But ultimately it’s up to her to change. Isn’t that what you’ve been telling me?”
“We are only responsible for ourselves.”
Her mom shook her head. “Not true. I’m responsible for you and your sister. I failed you, and I’m so sorry. Sorrier than I can ever say.” Tears glistened in her mother’s eyes.
The apology meant a lot. “I appreciate that, Mom. I really do.” She gave her mom another hug.
“I will talk to Poppy and try to bridge the gap between us. I know she’s angry I left. I just didn’t think she’d hold on to it this long and hard.”
“It’s not just about you,” her mom assured her. “It’s me, your father, and her.” She folded her arms around her middle. “Things got really bad at the end.” Her mom shook off her glum mood and tried to appear at ease again. “We’ll talk more tomorrow. Go. Have fun.”
“Be daring, Mom. Watch something he’d hate on TV tonight. Eat a bag of microwave popcorn on the sofa. It’ll feel good to break his rules. Trust me.”
“Maybe I’ll have a glass of wine with that popcorn.”
Rose grinned. “That’s the spirit. You’ll be a rebel in no time.”
She gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek and walked to the door, but stopped and stared up the stairs, wishing she knew how to reach past all Poppy’s defenses and anger. But first, she had to see to her maid of honor duties.
Whatever Maggie needed, Rose hoped she could handle it and that it was less dramatic than seeing her mom and sister for the first time since she’d left for college.