Page 23 of Out Matched
Chapter Nine
When I’d gotten the text from Alex at nearly 3 AM asking if we could meet today and talk, I wasn’t sure if I should be elated or worried. Was this him getting us together to call it quits once and for all? Or had he calmed down and come to his senses?
At first, I’d been completely baffled by his anger. But then I realized that hearing about how little we’d been interested in dating, immediately after sleeping with him, definitely could have come across the same way.
But I hadn’t meant it like that. I mean, sure, I didn’t want anything serious going into this, but after meeting them, I’d done a complete 180.
When I’d finally told Becca about them, she’d teased me mercilessly, with a stream of ‘I told you so’s that included a surprisingly elaborate little “victory” dance of sorts.
She was a little surprised by the fact that I’d tried out the Mix n Match thing, though.
“You know,” I’d told her, “Your birthday isn’t too far off, maybe I should return the favor and get you a membership.”
She’d laughed, but maybe it wasn’t a bad idea. After all, seemed like Josie’s program worked for a lot of people. Even me, really. Right now is weird, sure, but the fact is, it matched me perfectly.
Josie and Alex are everything I’ve ever wanted. Everything I’d ever expected from a single soulmate, I’ve found in the two of them. And we aren’t the only ones, I’ve seen the other reviews from happy customers. Maybe it would be good to see my little sister find her someone. Or someones.
Although when I’d suggested that, she’d shaken her head. “No judgement, I’m happy for you and I’m sure I’m going to love them both when you introduce me, soon,” she said pointedly, “But I’m a one-horse kinda cowgirl.”
There’s a knock on my door that draws me out of my thoughts and my heart leaps. I spring up out of my seat and head for the door, unlocking it and yanking it open in one swift motion.
Josie’s standing on my doorstep looking like she got about as much sleep as I did. “Hey, Alex asked me to meet you both here,” she says.
I nod. “He’ll probably be here any minute. Come on in.”
I want to kiss her, hold her, do anything to take that haunted and miserable look off her face, but with the way things are right now, I’m not sure where things stand and I don’t want to overstep. “You okay?” I ask quietly.
She looks at me with a bitter smile. “Are you?” she counters.
“Better now that you’re here,” I admit.
The smile softens a little, becomes more genuine, but then she sighs. “I don’t know how any of this works,” she says, “I mean, Alex is mad, but you’re not, and neither am I, so why does it feel so tense right now?”
“Maybe because we haven’t really had any one-one-one time together. Any of us. Maybe we need that, to help connect us a little bit more.”
“If we still can,” she mumbles.
“I don’t know about you, but I’m not giving him up without a fight,” I tell her, “Or you.”
She looks up at me.
“Look, Josie, I know it’s fast, and I gotta be honest with you, it scares the living hell out of me, but I love you. I love Alex. You guys have made me feel things I thought were dead and buried, and I’m not ready to give that up yet.”
“I love you, too,” she says, “Both of you. And it scares me, too. I’ve been with one guy, my entire life. One! Unless you count Joey Whatshisname, my fifth-grade “boyfriend” of exactly four days.”
I laugh. “That’s a lovely last name. What is that, Italian?”
“I think it was French,” she jokes back with a smile, “But my point is, I have no fucking clue how to date one guy, let alone two.”
“If it makes you feel better, I’ve only dated one guy seriously myself,” I offer.
“The ‘seriously’ qualifier kinda makes me think you still have more experience than I do,” she says drily.
“That…would not be untrue.”
She actually giggles a little bit, and the sound is music to my ears. It downright becomes a symphony when I hear the percussive knock at the door.