Page 3 of Out Matched
He’d tried to break up with me after being given his prognosis, insisting that it was better that way, but I’d countered with a marriage proposal. I loved him, and I wanted to be his wife and stay by his side for the rest of his life, no matter how brief.
And so, I was. Over spring break, we’d eloped. I became Josie Finch, and spent those months as his wife, making beautiful memories of the two of us, and several others with his family, and Sofia and our other friends.
When he’d died, all of his life insurance and everything had come to me, having been set up by his parents years ago. His family was actually quite wealthy, and they’d insisted that I keep every penny, so I’d turned around and invested it, eventually making the money that became the funding for MysteryMatch.
Still making my dreams come true even after he’s gone.
I usually wear my wedding ring with his on a chain around my neck, but sometimes on special occasions or during times when I feel like I need a little extra luck or support or whatever you want to call it, I wear it on my finger, and tonight felt like a fitting occasion.
We head inside to get everything set up for the launch party. Sofia’s partners arrive, with the promised goods, and by the time we’ve finished getting everything placed on tables, while still leaving room for those who’d need space and plugs and whatnot for laptops, the rest of my staff is arriving.
The mood is festive, but the party sort of flies by in a bit of a blur, with lots of speeches and celebratory toasts, and finally, the time has come.
“All, right, guys, and we are officially live in three…two…one…”
With one click, MysteryMatch is officially online and running smoothly. It’s a little anticlimactic, despite the raucous cheers of everyone around me. But even without fanfare and a confetti cannon, the excitement I feel watching my dream come to fruition is very real.