Page 11 of Reluctant Holiday
“Alright. Just give me a moment.”
Max was staring at the dress Mary was wearing. Damn, she looked incredible in it. Black and lacy, it cut in at the waist and flared at the hips. It also clung to her breasts, and Max was having a hard time trying not to openly stare at them. His cock was beginning to stir, seeing her look like she could be on a red carpet. He began to wonder what she looked like with that dress off.
No, he couldn’t think like that. Mary didn’t come here to fuck anyone. She wanted someone on her side, someone who wasn’t making her cry.
Mary grabbed her purse and stepped outside, closing the door behind her.
“I don’t want to be out for too long, but I don’t really want to be around when Mom comes back. She’s going to be bringing her boyfriend as well, and we don’t get along.”
“A dick as well, is he?”
Mary’s mouth twitched.
“You could say that. Mom seems to think so some of the time, and then she’s suddenly asking him over and getting back together with him. I’m just glad I don’t live anywhere near the drama.”
“They just bring the drama to you.”
“You could say that.”
They walked in silence for a moment, Max unsure of what he should do or say. Mary was walking beside him, but not close enough to touch. And he wanted to touch her. To see if the skin was as warm and smooth as it looked, even in the cool evening.
He couldn’t believe that just a moment in a woman’s company, he was already leaning towards sex. Either it was because he hadn’t had sex in a while or Mary was nothing like he had ever encountered before. It left Max feeling a little bewildered.
All he knew was he didn’t want Mary to walk away from him. Not anytime soon.
* * *
Mary wasn’t sure what she was doing. Her mother’s comments had really hurt, and after something like that all Mary wanted to do was hide away from everyone. So why was she agreeing to go for a walk with Max?
She had to admit there was something inside her that was glad that she did. Especially when she glanced over at Max. In the day, wearing a t-shirt and shorts, he had looked pretty easy on the eye. But in a black suit, black shirt with a green tie that seemed to pop from his outfit, Max looked like he could have walked off the runway. The man was gorgeous.
Gorgeous and kind. It was a rare combination for her to find nowadays. A fortnight ago, Mary had thought Cody was that. Then he blew that out of the water.
She was a little glad that she had agreed to come out. If she had stayed in the cottage, Mary would have been stuck with her own thoughts, and they would have just made her mood even worse.
She wished she was more confident. And when she met Cody and they started dating, Mary had thought she had found someone who accepted her for who she was, and they loved her no matter what. At the time, Cody didn’t appear to care that she was meek and quiet. He said he was fine with her being the opposite of him. And that hadn’t been the case; Mary would never be able to forget walking into her own house to find Olivia riding Cody she was on a bucking bull. And they had the nerve to throw her out of her own bedroom.
She chose to be out of conflict and away from everyone normally, but since finding out about the affair, Mary had felt herself shutting down. She was surprised that she managed to get through the day without getting into trouble, and she had no energy to stand up to anyone. Where she could do enough to keep her mother and sister at bay, for the most part, they were taking advantage of her situation. Mary had nothing to argue back with, and she now had to stay with people who clearly didn’t like her and treated her like the runt of the group.
That was not fair. Her sister’s friends were rude and obnoxious, not to mention entitled. They seemed to think Olivia’s word was gospel because she was the bride. And if Olivia wanted to be mean to Mary, they were given a free pass to be mean. Mary didn’t understand that. They were all grown-ups, and they were behaving like they were back in high school.
Why couldn’t she be confident? Why couldn’t she find a voice to scream and tell everyone to fuck off? But the thought of doing that gave her a headache.
If this carries on, you’re going to snap, and it’s going to happen anyway. Do something for yourself for once. It’s your life. They don’t get to dictate it anymore.
Mary looked up. Max was watching her closely. Then Mary realized they were wandering towards the woods where the lake was. Why were they going this way? She stopped.
“Sorry, I…I was just…lost in thought, I guess.”
“I can imagine.” Max turned to her. “Is there anything I can do?”
“I don’t know.”
Max didn’t respond. He just waited. Mary couldn’t remember the last time someone had been so sweet to her like this. Cody was an extrovert, and he was always telling Mary to stop moping in a corner and joining in. But Mary would refuse and he eventually left her alone. Max didn’t push. He was going by her lead.