Page 25 of Reluctant Holiday
“You what?”
“He’s been stalking me for years. Now I’m single, Mom and Olivia want us to bury the hatchet and get together.” Mary shuddered. “Who thinks like that? I really don’t get it.”
Max stared.
“That’s why you were brought out here? How did they think it was going to work?”
“I don’t know, but I’m glad I didn’t go anywhere near them.” Mary gave him a smile. “You did help me that night, and I’m grateful for it.”
“Enough that you didn’t contact me afterwards.”
Her smile faded, and Mary swallowed. Hesitating a moment, she reached out and touched his bare chest. The feel of her warm fingers against his skin made Max shiver. It felt good to have her touching him again.
“I’m really sorry, Max. I guess I just got scared. It was too much for me to handle.”
“Scared of what?”
Max wasn’t sure what was going on here. Mary’s hand fell away and she moved back, staring at a point on his chest.
“I really enjoy our time together. It was great. And that’s what scared me.”
“A great night scared you enough to run away?”
“Pretty much.” Then Mary started talking really fast, faster than Max could keep up with. “I know we barely knew each other that day, and it was just meant to be one night, but I found myself wanting more. It was scary how much I wanted more from someone who was younger, healthier, and handsome, and I knew I didn’t deserve it. I couldn’t expect anything from you beyond one night, and the fact my brain started going in that direction…”
Max grabbed her and hauled her in close, kissing her into silence. Mary stiffened, but then she melted into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck. She rubbed her hips against his erection, which had Max groaning. He broke the kiss when she started biting his lower lip.
“Whoa, careful, darling. Otherwise, I’m going to be fucking you out here, and I’ll get into trouble.”
“We don’t want that, do we?” Mary stroked the back of his neck. “Does this mean I’m forgiven?”
“For running out on me? I’m sure you can make it up to me somehow.” Then Max realized what she had just said. “What do you mean healthier? Do you mean you have some form of…condition?”
Mary hesitated, and Max felt her begin to withdraw. He tightened his arms around her.
“Don’t try and get away from this, Mary. What did you mean by that?”
Mary looked like she was about to cry. She blinked hard, and Max saw the tears.
“Mary, just tell me. What is it?”
“If you want kids, you’d better find someone else. I’m infertile. I can’t ever have kids.”
Max had been waiting for something worse than that. Like she had terminal cancer. Not that.
“You think I’m going to care that you can’t have kids?” he asked.
“Max, I’m thirty-five. I’m ten years older than you. You probably want to have a family, and that I can’t give you.”
Max sighed and pulled her back in for another kiss.
“Mary, my siblings have plenty of kids, and I enjoy being an uncle. But I can be a family with just one person. While it is early days, I’m sure we can manage to be a family of two. That’s what a relationship is, after all.”
“I…” Mary’s mouth fell open. “You mean you don’t care?”
“As long as I have you around, no.” Max smiled. “Is that what you were worried about?”
“I’ve been called damaged goods?”