Page 10 of Tasting the Doctor
“You know that feeling like you’re going to look like an idiot because you’re all by yourself. And you finally find one person to talk to, and you just want to cling to them so you don’t look like a loser?”
I laugh. “I know exactly what you mean. But I have a feeling if you make your way over to the bar, one or all of your group of women will join you.”
He lets out a long sigh. “That may be the case, but to be honest, I’d much rather hang out with you since I know where I stand with you.”
His words have me frowning. “What do you mean?”
He shrugs. “I know you don’t like me.”
“I don’t not like you.” I’m surprised by his comment. I thought I was being perfectly charming.
“What I mean is with those women over there, I don’t know if their interest in me is so that they can get access to Theo, or if they’re looking for a free body enhancement, or maybe they just want to be with a doctor that has money.”
I stare up at him. “Is that a thing?”
“Which?” he asks.
“Any of it.”
He nods. “Sure. I’ve met plenty of women who used me to try to get close to Theo or wanted a free breast enhancement or nose job. Several had mothers who wanted them to marry a doctor. With you, I’m pretty sure you don’t want any of that. You already have access to Theo. Although Madeline might scratch your eyes out. I know your opinion of body enhancements, so I know that’s not going to be a problem. And you already are a successful doctor with a condo in this building, which tells me you have your own money. Plus, you’re Rosie the Riveter; you can do it alone.”
I guess he has a point. “It must be so hard to be you,” I say, joking with him.
He gives me an affable smile, which makes him look way too sexy and enticing, which is another reason why I need to stop with my pumpkin martinis.
“Well, all that, plus the doctors that accost me in the elevator.”
I can feel the heat of blush on my cheek. “Yes, well, I apologized for that.”
“I’ll tell you what. You accompany me to the bar so I can get a drink, and you can get something non-alcoholic unless you’re meeting somebody else here.”
“No, I’m not meeting anyone. But, to be honest, I have that same kind of feeling that you have about being back in school and not having any friends.”
He frowns. “Surely you know people in the building.”
“Yes, I do. Many of them are my friends, but you know when you come to a party by yourself…”
He nods. “Say no more. I know exactly what you’re talking about. I have the opposite: I came with my brother and his girlfriend. I feel like the third wheel.”
“So we could be each other’s party buddy,” I say.
“I’m game if you’re game.” He holds out a hand to proceed toward the bar. “What does that mean psychologically that we are two competent doctors but need a security buddy at a party?”
“I say we have another drink and not even worry about it.”
* * *
I’m not drunk,but I do feel loose and happy. I’m not sure how long Oliver and I have been in the corner talking or even how many drinks we’ve had. For the last round, we switched to seltzer. We’ve discussed many things, although we didn’t go too far. He knows about Stephen but not the details of his leaving. I know Oliver has come to New York to make a new start, but I don’t know what happened in California to prompt this change.
“Hey, Ollie. Madeline and I are heading home,” Theo says as he and Madeline approach us. Theo smiles. “Hi, Charlotte. How are you?”
“I’m good.”
Theo looks at Oliver with an expression that seems to mean something, but I don’t know what. Oliver frowns and gives his head a shake.
“I love your costume,” Madeline says.
“Oh, thank you. You look gorgeous in yours.”