Page 14 of Tasting the Doctor
Here’s an Idea
Having sex with Charlotte is the last thing I should be doing. But there’s no way I’m stopping now.
She got my attention earlier tonight in her sexy Rosie the Riveter costume, but it wasn’t until she and I started talking that my temptation for her grew. Charlotte is that winning combination of beautiful yet unassuming. There is a vulnerability about her that brings out the protective instinct in me. Yet, on the other hand, it’s clear that she is a strong, independent woman.
I did my best to resist her. Perhaps I shouldn’t have offered to walk her back to her apartment, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Plus, to be honest, I wasn’t ready to say goodnight. And maybe there was a part of me that hoped we’d end up in her bed, but I hadn’t expected it.
The only thing I miscalculated was condoms. In my defense, I was purposely not carrying them because I’d made a vow to stay celibate. I thank God she has them, and I push away any thoughts about who else she might have used them with.
Instead, I focus on her luscious body underneath me. She is one delicious curve after another. Her breasts are a perfect size, sitting just so in the palms of my hands. I wasn’t kidding when I told her I preferred the real deal.
Thrusting inside her is a whole new level of heaven. She’s tight and hot, and I need to grit my teeth to hold onto my tether of control. I don’t know if it’s her specifically or that I’ve been denying myself for so long, but I feel like I’m a freight train careening toward the end of the line. Too fast. It’s all coming too fast.
Her fingers grip my hips as she arches back, revealing a delectable neck. I put my attention to that, leaning down and gently sucking the curve of her neck. I’m careful not to leave a mark, even though the man in me wants to.
“Oh God,” she cries out. Her body goes taut underneath me, squeezing me so tight that I swear to God I see stars behind my eyes.
I lever up on my hands and let go of the tether of control. My hips piston in and out, in and out, chasing my release as hers unravels around me. It’s so good. So fucking good. And then I’m there, pleasure blasts through me, and I call out as its power rocks me.
Together we move, drawing out the pleasure until finally, I collapse over her. Not wanting to crush her, I roll off onto my back, sucking in deep breaths while my heart still thunders in my chest.
“Wow,” she gasps next to me.
I turn my head to look at her, surprised by her comment even though that’s exactly what I’m also thinking. “Does that mean I rocked your world like you rocked mine?”
She turns her head to look at me and nods.
For a moment, we just stare at each other, and I can see the haze of orgasm wearing off and the reality of what we just did sinking in. I feel that same reality moving through my body as well. As great as that was, it shouldn’t have happened. I don’t want to feel it, and I certainly don’t want to see it in her eyes, so I turn my head to look straight up at the ceiling.
“Do you regret this already?” she asks.
“I don’t regret it at all.” I look at her again, so she can see that I’m telling the truth. “But it shouldn’t have happened.”
“It ruined your reputation?”
I’ve hooked up with women as beautiful and intelligent as Charlotte before, yet something about this was different. More than just a hookup by a womanizer.
“Let’s just say I’m trying to turn over a new leaf. I’m going to blame those Rosie the Riveter jeans you wore.”
She smiles, and it’s dazzling. I turn onto my side to look at her, running my hand over her hip. “But since I’m already here, and you have a box full of condoms, perhaps I can stay a little bit longer.”
“I always thought men were one and out when it came to sex.”
“Not this man.” I push her on her back and look down at her. “I just need a few minutes with your luscious body, and I’ll be ready to do it all over again.”
* * *
After I provedto her that I’m not a one-and-out man, I got dressed while she put on a robe. Then, we headed out to her kitchen, where she promised me something to eat since my stomach started grumbling after the last orgasm.
She had invited me to stay the night, and I desperately wanted to say yes, but there was no way I could do the walk of shame back to Theo’s place. So I told her as much, but I didn’t go into the details.
Ultimately, she agreed that we should end this night now, explaining that she’s not that far out of a failed relationship. As enjoyable as this evening has been, she’s not ready for something more.
Her statement should have relieved me greatly, yet I felt disappointed.