Page 21 of Tasting the Doctor
Theo and Madeline are out the door a few minutes later, and I’m ushering Charlotte into the living area.
“Can I get you something to drink? Theo’s has about every kind of booze, or there’s wine.”
“Wine might be nice,” Charlotte says.
I remember how she said wine is one of her coping mechanisms. I go to the wine cooler, pull out a white, and pour her a glass. I pour myself one as well, even though I’d rather have something a little stronger.
I bring it out to her and find her standing, looking out the window over Theo’s Terrace. It’s a bit nippy outside, but I ask if she wants to go out.
She shakes her head and turns back into the living area, taking a seat on the couch. I move to sit in a chair across from her.
“Is something wrong?”
She laughs, and her hand flutters in the air. “I can’t believe I’m here. Or even thinking of doing this.”
Hope begins to well inside me that she is thinking about my preposterous plan. But in case I’ [m wrong, I wait for her to explain why she’s here.
“I’ve been thinking of taking you up on that crazy idea you proposed the other day.”
Inside I’m shouting hallelujah, but on the outside, I take a sip of my wine and try to act cool. “Oh? Has something changed?”
There’s a shift in her eyes that makes me think she’s about to withdraw from me. Like my response is something that is making her change her mind.
Feeling desperate, I say, “Because nothing has changed for me. I can’t find a job, and I could use your help. Plus you’ve seen my brother and his girlfriend. It’s not easy living with those two. I’m always worried I will walk in on them naked.”
The tension in her face lessens. “Things haven’t changed for me either. I had a realtor come over today to look at selling my condo.”
I frown. “Why didn’t you come to me? You know I’m looking for a place.”
She huffs. “Well, as it turns out, the market has shifted so much that I can’t sell it for what I owe on it. And, if I’m honest, deep down, I don’t want to move. The place has sentimental value to me.”
I study her for a minute, wondering if that sentimental value has something to do with the ex that walked out on her, leaving her with a mortgage and rent on her practice. I consider offering her the amount she owes on the mortgage, but I don’t know what that is, and considering I’m not working, I’m not sure it’s wise to pay too much for something. I do have family money, but I learned a long time ago that if I don’t use it, then I don’t have to be subjected to my parents' demands. For example, my parents don’t approve of my coming to New York and staying with Theo. If I used my family money, I’d have to listen to them gripe about moving here.
“Well, my offer still stands. I need a place to live so I can get out of my brother’s hair, and I’m happy to pay my fair share of the rent and other expenses with the condo.”
She sits on the couch with her hands in her lap, her fingers nervously fiddling. “I just need to set some ground rules about the fake engagement part. If that’s what you need as well.”
“That would be helpful, yes.” More than a place to live, I need to work.
“I know what we did on Halloween, but—”
“I believe we both agreed that as enjoyable as that was, we wouldn’t do it again.”
She nods. “Yes. I can go with you to your functions and tell people we’re engaged, but in the privacy of the condo, that’s where it would end.”
I nod in understanding. “I can agree to that.”
We sit staring at each other for a moment.
“When do you think you would want to move in?” she asks, and I get the feeling that she needs a roommate sooner rather than later.
“Well, I’d like to do this as soon as possible, if that’s all right. I can pay you half the mortgage for the first month now. I can even give you a deposit.”
She lets out a breath that looks like relief to me. “Yes, that would be fine. I can arrange to get another key made for you.”
I nod, noting that despite the fact we are about to be roommates and pretend to be engaged, this whole thing is awkward.
She leans forward slightly. “This is weird?”