Page 7 of Tasting the Doctor
Halloween Psychology Games
I’m not one of those douchebags that think the world owes them anything. Admittedly though, the world has been generous to me up until now. My parents weren’t the most loving, but because I excelled in school and sports, they ensured that I had every advantage in the world. In addition, I have good genes that include good looks, which means that I often get away with things, so life generally comes easy.
Today, however, I’m getting a crash course in what it’s like to live in a world where things don’t come easy. I don’t mind working hard, but I do mind spinning my wheels which is precisely what I feel I’m doing as I work to get a job, but I have discovered my past is in the way. I’m at the point where I’m not sure I’ll be able to continue in plastic surgery, at least working with the clientele I had before. But, I’m not looking for sympathy or pity because I know that there are people in the world who have it much worse than I do.
My situation has also given me a new appreciation of how hard Theo had to work to get where he is. I was given everything growing up, whereas my parents treated him like a second-class citizen. And yet here he is on top of the world, owning his own production company, adored by millions of raving fans worldwide, with the love of a beautiful woman. And then there’s me getting in the way of all that.
I stand in the guest bathroom looking at myself in the mirror, feeling like an idiot in my black slacks, black shirt, black cape, black hat, and a black mask. Since Zorro was Mexican, I don’t think he had blond hair and blue eyes, so I feel even dumber going to this Halloween party as the famed bandit. I don’t know why I let Theo talk me into going to the party. I’m not really a resident of the building. In fact, now that I feel certain Theo and Maddie are going to be a long-term thing, I wouldn’t be surprised if they got married, which makes me truly a third-wheel.
A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts.
“Come on, Ollie, we’ll be late.” Theo’s voice comes from the other side of the door.
I open the door and step out, holding my arms out to my sides. “Tell me I don’t look like an idiot.”
Theo grins at me, looking spiffy in his 1920s gangster costume. “You don’t look like an idiot.”
“Muy Caliente,” Madeline says, dressed in a sexy flapper outfit. She steps up next to Theo. “You two Wolves ready?”
Theo puts his arm around her and kisses her cheek. “We’re ready.”
I want to change my clothes and go to a small club somewhere by myself to let them enjoy their time with each other and their friends in the building. I also know that Theo thinks I’m sulking, and since he has overcome so much more in life than I have, I figure I need to suck it up. So I decide I’ll go to this party and enjoy myself despite my sour mood. Hopefully, Dr. Everling won’t be there to harass me about my profession. Then again, I could tell her my woes, and maybe she’d help me. I shake my head. No, she’d probably be happy that I can’t find work.
Theo’s penthouse has no rival except for maybe Paige Devereaux’s, but I guess that’s one of the perks of having a father who owns much of the real estate in Manhattan. When we arrive at her place, a service person opens the door to let us in. Already there are a variety of people mingling and drinking. I know some people from running into them when I’m with Theo or in the elevator, but most people here are strangers to me.
Theo introduces me to a few other residents as we make our way to the bar and order drinks. I mingle with the two of them and other people who come to talk to them for a little while. But then, I remember how I didn’t like it when he would always tag along with me as we were growing up. So I make an excuse to leave them so they can enjoy their time together with their friends. I order another drink and move my way through the crowd toward a quiet corner.
“Dr. Wolfe?”
I turn, wondering what it means that I recognize that voice. “Dr. Everling.”
For a moment, I’m stuck staring at her. She’s dressed as Rosie the Riveter, with skin-tight dark jeans and a blue work shirt. The front hem is tied around at her waist. A bright red scarf holds back her short, wavy hair.
When I met her in the elevator, I noted that she was a beautiful woman. Still, I would’ve described her as a natural beauty, with her soft peach-colored skin and light brown hair. Now she’s wearing bright red lipstick, and her makeup is like a 1940s pinup girl. I’m disappointed that she and I don’t like each other because this party might have become more fun if we did.
Then I remember that I’m supposed to be behaving. I have a reputation that I need to overcome. I had hoped that by being celibate, I’d change the way people view me. Still, after my interview with Dr. Kramer, I worry that only marriage will change how people perceive me. That means I need to look for work elsewhere as I have no prospects for marriage, nor do I want one.
Worried that she’ll catch me ogling her, I bring my gaze up to her face.
“I owe you an apology,” she says.
My eyebrows are probably up to my hairline under my hat because I didn’t expect that from her. I’d been sure she would make a comment about my costume or my profession. “Oh? For what?” I ask, even though I’m pretty sure I know.
Her smirk suggests that she knows I know. “For how I behaved in the elevator the last time we saw each other. I was having a bad day, and I took it out on you. So I apologize for that.”
The part of me that enjoys toying and flirting with women wants to poke at her a little bit. Still, the more mature adult part of me recognizes that this is probably difficult for her. It will only solidify her idea that I’m a jerk if I don’t accept her apology. So I give a slight nod. “Apology accepted.”
For a moment, we stand staring at each other like awkward teenagers at a middle school dance.
“You don’t want to be here, do you?” she asks.
“Is it obvious, or are you just that good at observing human behavior?”
Her body relaxes slightly, and a small smile appears on her face. “I like to think I’m good at my job, although I’ve had some moments of questioning that. Mostly I just notice you’re standing over here by yourself like a wallflower. But if you look over there...” She nods to the other side of the room, where a group of women dressed in various sexy costumes talk and occasionally look over in my direction. “All those women over there would be interested in meeting Dr. Oliver Wolfe, especially since his brother Theo is clearly taken.”