Page 26 of An Italian Dream
Whatever his intentions, she was beginning to like him.
‘I’ll need to talk to my friend to make sure first, but can I say a tentative yes?’
‘Of course. Just let us know before we depart on Friday.’
She could sense Chloe trying to contain a squeal of excitement. And, she realised, it wasn’t just Chloe who was excited. A luxury yacht with young, handsome Italians was a dream. The idea of sailing with them thrilled her. Since winning the Lottery, she’d made a promise to herself to really start living, to say yes to opportunities, to embrace the freedom the money could bring her. To focus on the positives rather than the negatives.
After chatting more and drinking champagne, Stella swapped numbers with Luca and promised to let him know their decision as soon as possible. They said goodbye with kisses on each cheek. His stubble tickled and she got a delicious waft of a sensuous spiced aftershave.
Chloe hooked her arm in Stella’s and they walked back towards the bars and restaurants along the busy Via Marina Grande. She had a pretty good idea what Fern was going to say, but somehow she needed to make sure she said yes.
* * *
Amber was already at the villa relaxing by the pool when Stella and Chloe arrived back.
‘Where’s your mum?’ Stella dropped her bag on a chair and worked out the ache in her shoulders.
‘Don’t know.’
‘What do you mean you don’t know?’
‘We didn’t come back together.’
Stella frowned. It had seemed like a good idea for them to have some mother-daughter time, but the scowl on Amber’s face said otherwise. She perched on the end of the sun lounger and sighed. ‘What happened?’
‘What I knew would happen when we were forced to spend time together.’ Amber folded her arms and sighed.
Stella was sad at the distance that had grown between Amber and Fern and was as clueless as Fern about what had caused it. ‘It was a chance for you to talk,’ she said gently.
‘Yeah, but she’s so frustrating. We just talk rubbish, then when I really try to talk about important stuff, she gets all cross about it.’
‘You should go easy on her.’
‘I’m doing her a favour.’
Stella frowned, confused by Amber’s words. She was beginning to wonder if there was more to it than just the usual friction between mothers and daughters. ‘What do you mean?’
Amber looked away. ‘Nothing.’
‘Well, there is something because you’re upset and your mum’s not here. Did you just leave her somewhere?’
‘I’m sure she’s quite capable of finding her way back. I did, didn’t I?’ Her sullen look returned.
‘That’s not the point. What did she get cross about?’
Amber shuffled upright, dropped her sunglasses on the edge of the sun lounger and looked around. ‘Where’s Chloe?’
‘She went inside to get changed,’ Stella said. Amber’s pretty face was pinched, her forehead creased. Stella thawed a little. She reached out and placed a hand on Amber’s leg. ‘What are you not telling me?’
Amber opened her mouth to say something but shook her head. Stella tensed, wondering if she was going to shut down completely. Then Amber met Stella’s eyes.
‘What do you know about my dad?’
Stella’s blood ran cold. ‘What do you mean?’
‘You’ve known him, right, for as long as Mum has?’