Page 50 of An Italian Dream
‘Bit late for that,’ she said with a smirk.
Oh to be young and foolish again, Stella thought. But then had age really mellowed her? She’d been quick enough about moving things on to another level with Luca. She was hardly one to talk, yet she was supposed to be the responsible one here. Yes, Amber and Chloe were adults, but Fern had asked her to keep an eye on Amber. Not that Stella could stop Amber from doing anything, but she’d try her best to influence her to at least think things through, even if she didn’t follow that advice herself.
Stella hooked her arm in Amber’s and manoeuvred her from the open lounge area into the empty library. ‘It’s fine you sleeping with Desi. You’re old enough to make your own decisions. I’m just watching out for you, that’s all. Same way I’d look out for Chloe. No need to get arsey.’
She looked at her sheepishly. ‘Soz.’
‘You don’t need to apologise, just be careful is all I’m staying.’
‘Can say the same for you and Luca. Worst kept secret on the yacht.’ She hiccupped.
‘Does Chloe know?’
‘Course she does. Doesn’t mean she gives a shit about it though.’
‘What about her and Vincenzo. Have they…?’
Amber shrugged.
‘You don’t know or you’re not going to tell me?’
‘Ask her yourself.’
Stella sighed and started to walk away. Amber grabbed her arm.
‘Don’t tell Mum about me and Desi.’
‘Why are you worried? She’s not going to think badly of you for having fun.’
Amber rubbed her forehead. ‘I feel bad she’s missing out, because of Dad… You know.’
‘I’m sure she’s not thinking of it like that. Honestly, given the choice, I’m certain she’d have preferred the art retreat anyway.’ Stella gently touched Amber’s hand. ‘Maybe when we’re back on Capri, just go easy on her. Be nice. I get the impression she’s trying to process a lot at the moment.’
‘I feel sorry for her. Her life is shit, Stella. I want to tell her the truth about things, but Dad made me promise not to.’
‘Oh, Amber, that’s a shitty thing for him to have done.’ Stella rubbed her forehead; a tension headache was beginning to creep across. ‘It’s hard to know what to do for the best.’
Amber’s eyes narrowed. ‘If you know my dad’s been unfaithful, why have you not told Mum?’
Despite a shiver of fear, Stella’s cheeks went hot. ‘I think it’s about time someone did.’
Amber nodded slowly. ‘It would be much better if it came from you…’
Stella’s nostrils flared. ‘Actually Amber, it wouldn’t. I think you talking truthfully to your mum about your, um, dad, would soften the blow. But you’re drunk, I’m about to go out and Luca’s waiting, so sleep on it and we’ll talk more tomorrow. When we’re sober.’
‘Hung-over more like,’ Amber grumbled.
Stella clasped Amber’s shoulder. ‘Eat some food, yeah, before you drink any more.’
‘Yeah, yeah. And you go have a good night.’ Amber winked.
Stella walked backwards towards the library door. ‘Oh, I intend to.’