Page 55 of An Italian Dream
‘You haven’t asked me anything yet.’
There was a slight pause. A cream-winged butterfly landed on the edge of a large terracotta pot.
‘The guys are going back to Positano for a party. They’ve invited us.’ The nervousness in Stella’s voice was obvious. ‘Which will add another night, meaning we wouldn’t get back to Capri until later tomorrow. I said I wasn’t sure; I wanted to check with you first.’
The butterfly fluttered away, swirling high into the sunshine. Stella was giving her the chance to stay longer, to enjoy the freedom she’d found here, to spread her wings… ‘It’s fine. Go if you all fancy it.’
‘Really?’ There was now disbelief in her voice.
‘I’m positive.’
‘You can always go back to the villa if you prefer – I can let Violetta know.’
‘That’s kind, but no, I’m fine. I have sketches to finish.’
‘Not naked ones I hope?’ Stella joked.
An image of Matteo emerging from the pool last night with water beading his toned torso flitted into Fern’s head. ‘I’ve just been sketching scenery. There’s been no life drawing.’
‘I take it you’re having fun then?’
Fern gazed up at the perfect blue sky and sighed. ‘It’s been eye-opening.’
‘Okay,’ Stella said slowly. ‘In a good way?’
‘I hope so.’
‘You want to talk about it?’
‘Not really.’ She had so much she needed to get her own head around first before she could even begin to explain it to Stella.
‘Are you absolutely sure it’s okay?’
‘Yes. It’s only another day. Not long at all. I’ll see you tomorrow.’
Fern didn’t want to carry on the conversation and risk Stella probing her about why she was happy to stay. They said goodbye and the peace returned to the garden.
Anticipation rushed through her at the thought of another day and night here. Would staying for longer be a mistake? Probably, but she knew she was relieved that she didn’t have to leave yet and that she had the opportunity to explore… What? Her creativity? Or was she really thinking about Matteo, and the way he made her feel? Perhaps it was more about sifting through her emotions about Paul.
She closed her sketchbook and wound her way back through the garden to the villa. Her heart battered against her chest. Hushed voices filtered from somewhere close by, but it didn’t seem as if anyone else was about. Perhaps most people had followed Edith’s example and had gone out to find inspiration.
It was cool and quiet inside as she made her way along the tiled hallway. The German couple were sitting together in the orangery, the wife’s legs curled beneath her on the sofa as she gazed out through the large windows. Arthur was in the lounge, sitting on a sofa that faced the garden, so he didn’t notice her slip past.
Matteo’s study door was open. On her first day, he’d explained how he always left it open, an invitation to the guests to come and chat to him, to talk through their ideas. Fern hovered in the doorway. One corner of the room housed bookshelves and two armchairs. A fireplace with an ornate marble surround was filled with dried flowers. Matteo was sitting at a desk facing patio doors that led to a small terrace with an easel set up. A stack of books and paper were piled on the floor next to the desk. The room was lived in and filled with creativity.
She knocked gently.
Matteo spun round on his chair, a smile lighting up his face as his gaze fell on her.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.’
‘That’s okay, I was just finishing up. How can I help?’
Fern’s palms felt sweaty and she was conscious of how much her heart was pounding. ‘I, um… I just wondered if it would be okay if I stayed another night?’
Matteo frowned. ‘Really? I thought your daughter and friends were back today?’
‘They were supposed to be, but there’s been a change of plan. It’s not a problem if it’s not okay. You’ve been so generous and I don’t want to outstay my welcome.’
‘Of course I’m happy for you to stay, but I was just about to come and find you to say goodbye.’
It was Fern’s turn to frown. ‘Oh?’
‘I’m about to go to Tuscany. A whirlwind visit. The beginning of the week is a chance for the guests to explore the island or focus on their art in their own time. Plus it means I have some free time too and they’re well looked after by Ana.’
‘Yes, Edith said.’
He stood and walked over to her. ‘I just wish we didn’t have to say goodbye quite yet. Unless…’ He seemed flustered, his cheeks reddening as he looked seriously at her. ‘How would you like to come to Tuscany with me?’