Page 32 of Until I Met You
She nodded. ‘I’m listening.’
‘You’re one of Jasmine’s closest friends,’ he said evenly.
‘I like to think so.’
‘If I could get your support, it would mean so much to me.’
‘Would you like me to go?’ Roman asked.
‘No. It’s cool.’ He did not look cool at all. ‘I’d like your opinion on this, too.’
‘Jason, just come out with it!’ Samantha cried. ‘You’re scaring me.’
‘I’m going to ask Jas to marry me.’
A new wave of nausea slammed through her. She gripped Roman’s arm to keep balanced. He pulled her tight and whispered, ‘The word you’re looking for is congratulations.’
Jason went pale underneath his mask of sunscreen. ‘That wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for.’
Samantha realized she’d blurted her innermost thoughts out loud. ‘I meant it in a good way.’
‘But you said it in a horrified way.’ Jason’s mouth flattened with worry. ‘Do you think it’s a bad idea?’
‘No!’ She reached out and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. ‘It’s a fabulous idea. You caught me off guard. That’s all.’
‘I love her. I want to marry her.’
‘That makes perfect sense.’
‘What about you, man?’ Jason searched Roman’s face. ‘What do you think?’
Roman stiffened beside her. She wondered what had got to him. Was it the mention of love, marriage – or a combination of both?
‘I think you two have something special. And you’re very lucky.’
Samantha had braced herself for sarcasm, derision – or a combination of both. Anything but earnestness.
‘Adrian helped me pick out the ring. Do you guys want to see it?’
‘You have it with you?’ Samantha asked, puzzled.
He padded the zippered pocket of his shorts. ‘Right here.’
He’d brought an expensive piece of jewellery on a boat excursion. Did he not trust the hotel safe? What if they went down like the Titanic? ‘That’s risky, don’t you think? What if you lose it at sea?’
‘I’ll need it to … you know … pop the question.’
‘Wait …’ Samantha swallowed hard. ‘You’re going to propose today?’
He nodded. ‘At the Nylon Pool.’
‘But why? What’s the hurry? We’ve only been here a couple of days. You can take a breath.’
‘I agree,’ Roman said. ‘Relax. You’re in Tobago. You haven’t had your first ginger beer. There’s no rush.’
‘As tempting as that sounds, I can’t afford to wait,’ he said. ‘It has to be today. According to the schedule, there won’t be another opportunity to return to the Nylon Pool.’