Page 39 of Until I Met You
‘If you put me in a peach satin dress, I swear—’
‘Come on! I wouldn’t do that to you! You’re my friend, not some distant cousin I’m trying to humiliate.’
‘May I have a plus one?’
‘Making plans for you and Roman already?’
‘No,’ Samantha said flatly. Who knew where Roman would be in one year’s time? However warm and safe and tingly she felt with Roman, this flirtation had an expiration date. It ended the day after Naomi’s wedding with a big kiss goodbye at the airport gate, if that. ‘But if I’ll have to pay for a date, I should start saving now.’
‘My money’s on Roman,’ Jasmine said. ‘Fifty bucks you show up with him. Canadian dollars, naturally.’
‘Really? You only just met him?’
Jasmine offered a one-shoulder shrug. ‘I have a good feeling.’
Samantha had a feeling her friends had lost their collective minds. She could anticipate this type of frilly logic from Naomi, but expected more from level-headed Jasmine.
‘Life doesn’t always follow a predictable path, Sam. Remember how concerned we were for Naomi and Anthony just a short while ago? Now I can’t imagine a more perfect couple.’
‘Apples and oranges. Roman and I are having fun, not falling in love.’
Jasmine’s dimple taunted her. ‘If you say so.’
The afternoon unfolded in a predictable fashion, with Maya playing the role of the disgruntled little sister to a T. She hated her dress. The hemline was too long or the waistline too high. Either way, Samantha wasn’t paying too close attention. She scrolled through social media while the nineteen-year-old railed on.
‘I realize it’s Naomi’s big special day,’ Maya said. ‘But I want to look cute in the photos.’
‘It’s an empire waist,’ Amelia said. ‘It’s classic and chic.’
‘It’s Little Women chic. That’s not the look I’m going for.’
Naomi stepped out of the fitting room in a strapless lace gown with a mermaid train. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that she had achieved the look that she was going for: goddess of thunder meets Caribbean queen meets elegant bride. Maya gasped, Amelia cried, and Samantha, Jasmine and Jen snapped photos. The shop owner popped open a bottle of champagne and as everyone toasted the bride Samantha soaked in the moment. It was undeniably true that Naomi’s chance encounter with Anthony had changed all their lives. Jasmine was taking a bold leap, Hugo was enjoying a well-deserved break, and Samantha was slowly and surely climbing out of a rut.
Naomi returned to the dressing room. After a while, she popped her head through a crack in the door and summoned Samantha.
‘You! Come in here.’
Samantha’s heart sank. What had she done? Was she in trouble? Who did she have to be nice to now? Jasmine wished her luck as she slinked toward the back of the bridal shop. She found Naomi seated on a tufted banquette in her shapewear.
‘You rang, ma’am?’
‘Jen says you gave her one of your famous pep talks,’ Naomi said. ‘I’m proud of you. That shows growth.’
Samantha relaxed. ‘It was nothing. And you’re right about her. She’s not half bad.’
‘Told you!’ Naomi said, beaming. There was nothing she liked more than being right. ‘Looks like I was right about Roman, too. You two are a perfect match.’
Samantha’s smile faltered. Everyone was so quick to celebrate this thing with Roman. Sadly, she couldn’t join in. ‘It’s no big deal. We’re just having fun.’ She bit her lip to keep from launching into the same refrain. She could downplay it with the others, but not Naomi. ‘I like him. I really do.’
‘Aw! That’s so sweet!’
‘Sure, but I don’t want to like him too much.’
‘OK …’
‘Come Sunday, all of this magically comes to an end.’
‘Um … Sure. I see your point. On the other hand, you don’t want to miss out. If you like him and you’re having fun, why overthink it? You’ll look back at this time when you were young and free and you met this great guy on a once-in-a-lifetime trip.’