Page 15 of Fall From Grace
Iswipe a warm nude lipstick over my lips. I run my fingers through the loose curls of my hair before pulling on a red silk blouse and black pencil skirt. I don’t know why I’m nervous. Maybe because this is the first job I’ve had in years that I actually need to show up at an office. Or maybe because I practically begged my brother for a job and I know he pulled strings to get it for me. It would be easier to just go in with him but he went into the office at seven this morning and told me to come in at ten.
I give myself one last perusal in the bathroom mirror, making sure I look the part. Administrative assistant. Legal assistant. Whatever name they are giving me doesn’t matter. It’s a job.
I take a deep breath, telling myself aloud in the mirror, “I can do this.”
It was the same words I told myself before talking to the senator or talking to any lead for a story that could be dangerous. That was me though. I was fine putting myself in danger. I did everything and anything for a story. Yet the idea of sitting at a desk doing a normal job has my nerves and anxiety racked up higher than normal.
I grab my purse and keys and run to my car, dodging the light sprinkle of rain in the short distance. The drive to my brother’s office isn’t long, but it has my head spinning in a hundred different directions that I almost run a red light. I drive past a bar in downtown Asheville and my thoughts immediately go back to that night a week ago. My mystery man and his monster dick. I snort at the thought. If I ever saw him again, I don’t think he’d like the nickname but it’s true. His dick was a beast. Stretching me to the point of pain, but he knew how to use it. Knew how to fuck me into oblivion. I’ve never been fucked like that and I doubt I ever will be again. We fucked three times that night and then I snuck out before he woke up. My body sore and used. I swear I can still feel that dick buried deep inside of me. I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t been to that bar again hoping I ran into him. I don’t know his name or have his number. The thought of showing up at his house naked has crossed my mind, yet I don’t want to come off as crazy. But my body is craving that man.
I haven’t had sex with anyone since him and I don’t think I ever will. No man is going to compare to him and I don’t want a life of disappointment. If I saw him again, maybe I would ask him to make a mold of his dick so I could live the rest of my life satisfied. And with ten cats. I’ll be happy being an old cat lady with a hundred plants and my monster-dick dildo.
I laugh at myself as I pull into the small parking lot at my brother’s firm. Of course there are no spots left. I pull out of the lot and find a spot two blocks away along a tree-lined street. I know for a fact I don’t have my umbrella in the car and I hope the trees provide me enough coverage from the rain that is starting to fall harder. Just my luck to meet my new boss and I am going to look like a waterlogged cat.
I trudge in through the office doors and speak with the receptionist who directs me to my brother’s office.
“What happened to you?” he asks as I slip through the door.
I glare at him. “No parking.”
“Don’t you own an umbrella?” he asks me with a smirk on his face.
“I’m sure I do. Somewhere. In a box. In storage. Obviously not in my car.”
He puts his hands up in defeat at my attitude. “I’m sure Carson will get a laugh out of it.”
“Just what I want,” I say as I dramatically fall into a chair across from Owen’s desk.
He shakes his head at me. “Carson is still in a meeting that ran over but he said he would meet you in here. If you want to read through that pile of paperwork to start, it would help him out.” He nods toward a large pile on the corner of his desk. “One of the cases he is behind on. It’s an overview and all the depositions. He asked that you just get yourself familiar before he has you start looking for any evidence.”
“How many cases does he have?” I ask as I grab the thick pile of papers.
“Five right now. He’s on his way to becoming a partner in the firm, so of course they overloaded him with cases to see if he could handle the pressure.”
I look up at Owen. “Can he?”
He smiles at me. “Carson could probably handle more than ten cases. He works like a madman. He’s here at six in the morning some days. But he has been stressed over a murder trial. The prosecution is being a pain in the ass when it comes to evidence.”
I nod at my brother then go back to flipping through the files on my lap. When I was in college, I spent my summers helping our dad with cases. He wanted me to be a lawyer too, but I refused. I ended up with a paralegal certification which tied him over for the time being. I do have to say, it has helped me at times in my investigative work.
A deep laugh sounds from outside the office door, and I turn my head just as Owen stands from his desk and walks to the door. He’s talking to someone and laughing but I cannot see the man with the deep voice. A voice that sounds familiar but I can’t place it.
Then the blood drains from my face when Owen holds open the door and the man I can only guess is Carson walks into my brother’s office. My body betrays me as a flush of wetness hits my panties. No way. There is no fucking way that the man that owned my body in a way I would never let anyone else is my new boss. And my brother’s best friend.
Fuck. I am so fucked.
Carson looks over at me, a look of shock crossing his eyes for a second before he smirks at me then pretends we’ve never met. It irks me to no end. “You must be Grace. Owen has told me great things about you.”
“Doubtful,” I mutter as Owen laughs.
“Carson, this is my wonderful sister, Grace.”
I snort. “When have you ever called me wonderful?”
Carson takes my hand and shakes it. “Pleasure to meet you, Grace. Don’t worry, I don’t listen to anything Owen says.”
“Dick,” Owen says as he sits down behind his desk. “I am sure my sister will be great for you. I am her brother and our amazingness runs in the family.”