Page 68 of Fall From Grace
Iwalk up the front steps of my brother’s house. Not wanting to risk heels and the cobblestone steps down to the basement.
I run my fingers over my lips, remembering the way Carson kissed them roughly before letting me out of the cab. I think I forgave him too easily but alcohol definitely influenced that. I know we need to talk. Like a real talk. But that will come. Tonight was fun. Especially when he pulled me away from the bar and down the hall to a private bathroom and forced me to my knees.
That was the most fun.
I quietly sneak into the house and go to make my way to the basement when I see my brother sitting at the kitchen table, the lights dimmed, but I can make out the bottle of whiskey on the table.
“What are you still doing up?” I ask him.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
“You should have come out with us. It was fun.”
He shakes his head. “I was tired after that much mingling.”
I smile at him and take a seat across from him. He gets up and grabs another glass and pours me a drink.
“I want to ask you something and you better not lie to me.”
“Okay,” I say cautiously as I grab the drink from him.
“Is there something going on between you and Carson?”
I snort. I cannot believe he is going to play big brother like this again. “Umm no.”
He nods as if he doesn’t believe me. “Then what were you doing holding on to him like that at the gala?”
“I was just trying to help him out of the drama with his ex.”
“You know about Tiff?” he asks, surprised I know about her.
I shrug. “From what little he’s said at the office and by said, I mean swore a storm up.” I swallow a bit of the whiskey in my hands. “But I became friends with his sister-in-law somehow and she told me.”
“So you are just looking out for him?” he asks curiously.
I give him a look that says, what do you think I was doing. “He nearly crushed a glass in his hand when he saw her.”
“Well seeing her with Michael would do that.”
“Who is he?” I am genuinely curious. Carson didn’t elaborate and neither did Faye or Anna. They both just said she was dating someone else. But clearly the man has some kind of rivalry with Carson for him to get so riled up over his ex dating someone else. Well, besides the fact she is engaged to him after such a short amount of time.
“The only man he’s ever lost a case to and he flaunts it like he’s the best thing since sliced bread.”
“Carson has never lost any other case?” My interest piqued. I didn’t know that about him. But with the way he works and his dedication to the practice it gives me a sense of pride knowing he works his ass off and it pays off. Like I used to do.
He shakes his head. “Not one that makes it all the way to trial. He may be ruthless in the courtroom but he’s a tyrant behind closed doors. He could probably get a plea deal of ten years on a serial killer. The man in the courtroom to the man making plea deals to the man you see in his office. They are all different. He knows what masks to wear and when.”
“Wow. That’s impressive.” I lean back into my chair. “And also entirely bitchy that Tiffany would jump into the arms of the one man he hates.”
“Yeah. He took it hard when he first found out they were dating.”
“Well I am glad I was able to put her in her place.”
Owen stares at me and I know he wants to have one of those big brother talks. I can see it in his eyes. “But you pretending to be his arm candy or girlfriend or whatever you two decided upon looked a little too real to me.”
I roll my eyes at him. “Well it wasn’t. And if it was, what would it matter if something happened between us anyway? I’m an adult, he’s an adult. We would both consent if we chose that. Which we haven’t,” I tack on.