Page 99 of Fall From Grace
I squat down in front of her and lift her chin with my fingers to meet my gaze. “Don’t be sorry. I should be the one who is sorry. I said some terrible things to you that night. Words I wish I could take back.”
“You needed to say them. Or else it wouldn’t have led to this.”
“And what is this?” I ask her.
“I need to tell you something, Carson. Something I should have said back in Wilmington. Hell, maybe even before then.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” I ask her, leaning in closer to her so I can inhale her smell of berries and jasmine.
“I love you,” she says on a whisper.
“What was that?” I ask her.
“I love you.”
“I’m sorry. I still couldn’t hear you.”
She pushes at my chest, but I just grab her wrists, pulling her up to her feet as I stand. “I love you,” she screams.
“Wow, you want to broadcast that to the neighborhood?”
She groans. “Carson Tay—”
I don’t let her finish as I drop my lips to hers. Kissing her like I love her, showing her every single emotion I am feeling all wrapped up into one kiss. I feel her body collapse into mine. Her fight leaving her.
I pull away and say those words across her lips. “I love you, Grace Prescott.”
I don’t give her time to respond and hoist her up onto my shoulder, smacking her ass in the process.
“Why did you bring a cooler with you?” I ask as I pick up the small red box.
“In case Owen hit you again. I wanted you to have some ice to be prepared.”
I chuckle as I key in the code on my door and push it open. I kick the door shut behind me and start to carry Grace toward my room.
“Where are you going?”
“To the bedroom. I need you out of these clothes and naked on my bed.”
She points to the couch. “You could always fuck me there. It’s closer.”
“With the curtains open?”
I growl and drop her over the side of the couch. “My dirty little exhibitionist.”