Page 7 of His Promise
The mattress is so high, I have to grip one of the bedposts to help myself up. I situate myself on my hands and knees and close my eyes as I wait.
Behind me, fabric ruffles, and I can hear his clothes being tossed to the floor. It’s so reminiscent of a past I ran away from that I have to clench my eyes shut and go to another place. My ‘happy place’ as a counselor would probably call it, but for me it’s just blank. I’m almost there when his hands wrap around my hips, and I’m jolted back to the present when he jerks me towards his hard length.
I gasp and shift my knees, opening my eyes and staring at the white bedspread. He slides along my folds, lubricating himself but not entering me yet.
“You’re shaking,” he states, matter-of-fact, and runs his fingers over my lower back. I hadn’t even realized I was trembling, but shivers run up my spine with each of his movements and cause my shoulders to quake.
“How the hell does a confident woman like you end up so scared?”
You don’t know me.I wish I could repeat it to him, but I’m speechless.
He stops moving and stands still, his cock resting at my opening, and I think maybe he’ll call it off. Tell me to get dressed and leave, that I’m not what he paid for. Maybe he’s a decent person after all and refuses to fuck a person while they’re clearly uncomfortable with it.
And then he spears into me.
The cry I let out is a mixture of pain and shock. I fall to my elbows and bite into the sheets when he pulls out and shoves into me again before my walls have had a chance to adjust.
His fingers dig into my hips, and he pumps into me harder, faster, until my groans of discomfort morph. The burn in my core turns from painful to a delicious kind of heat as my body accepts the intrusion.
“Fuck,” I say, unclenching my teeth from the bedspread and stretching my arms out in front of me.
He fucks me harder, and when he grunts it’s the first sound I’ve heard from him. “I told you I knew what you liked,” he says, palming my ass. A cracking sound echoes in the room and a sting burns my ass. I back into him without any conscious thought, and he slaps me again.
Idon’tlike this. I’veneverliked this. But for some reason right now, it feels so fucking good. So hot. Carnal. Two strangers fucking without the intention of ever seeing each other again. And maybe that’s the difference. This guy may look threatening, but he’s no real danger. I don’t have to wake up next to him in the morning and feel like I’m waking up in a prison. This hasrules, boundaries, even if I don’t know what they are.
“Yes,” I moan, giving in to the sensations, to this game.
Fingers weave into my hair and my head snaps back. My scalp burns, and I can barely breathe with my neck angled like it is, but I don’t tell him that. A sick part of me, one I didn’t know existed, wants to know how far his terms go. How safe I really am.
Am I fucking stupid?
His thrusts slow, and his other hand tucks between my legs and finds my sweet spot. I buck against him, cutting off my air supply more and searching out his fingers. He lays himself over my back and lets go of my hair only to circle his hand around my throat.
Panic begins to set in, and I claw at his hand, but he shushes me and rubs light circles around my clit. His actions are in complete contrast with each other.
“It’ll make it better,” he says, his voice smooth. “I’m not gonna hurt you, Abi. Promise.”
Promise. What an empty thing, but it helps calm me nonetheless. My attention moves to the hand between my thighs, and I take a deep breath before letting go of his hand clutching my throat.
He picks up the intensity with his circular motions, and pressure builds in my core. My air supply cuts off as he squeezes, and I try to suck in to no avail.
“Let go,” he commands, putting more pressure on my clit and winding me so tight I know I’m going to break into a thousand pieces.
And then I do.
My mouth opens wide and eyelids clench as my walls clamp down around the cock still inside me. An electric current flows through every cell in my body, and I jerk like the waves are literally rocking me. I stop feeling the pressure of the mattress beneath me, and instead it’s like I’m floating.
Gruco starts to move inside me again, and I suck in a breath when I realize his hand is no longer choking me. I’m not sure how long it’s taken me to come down from my high.
He pumps into me, and I barely balance on my knees, I’m so relaxed. He stops abruptly and pulls out. Warm streams coat my backside.
I close my eyes, ready to fall asleep, but he smacks my ass, jolting me. I look back over my shoulder, and he’s standing with his boxers on. You wouldn’t think what we just did was the best sex of my life with the way he stands there casually staring at me.
He picks up my skirt and blouse and tosses them on the bed before walking over to the drink cart. He opens his wallet for the second time this evening and pulls out a few bills which he tosses with the rest.
He glances up at me with a blank look on his face. “Sorry about saying I’d be gentle.”
My heart falls into the pit of my stomach, and my face heats with embarrassment.
I’m a prostitute. An actual prostitute.
And now it’s time for me to go.