Page 13 of Giovanni DeLuca
This damn party is wearing on my nerves, but it’s for a good reason. The amount of political figures and government officials in here tonight is astounding. The fact they’re pretending that this party and all the other mansion parties are for charity is funny.
However, the backroom deals that take place at these shindigs are what keep me in business. Because these gambling parties are illegal as hell in Tennessee, but if you keep the right palms greased, then you can stay in business.
I sip my drink as I survey my surroundings. My men provide security among several other duties for the night because we’re waiting on our rivals to make a move. This party was the perfect cover for the Mancini family to try to prove themselves again. I know they will try to hit us as soon as everyone is gone.
They know how much money we will have tonight, but they also know the caliber of people here, so hitting us during the party wouldn’t be wise. No, the Mancini crew will wait. And we’ll be ready.
Carly glides into the room like a swan on a lake. Her sparkly white dress is over the top, but she looks nice. Her blonde hair is in an updo, and she’s acting as if this is her party. Carly has always been over the top, but tonight she’s outdoing herself.
“Hey, babe. I wanted to introduce you to an oldfamilyfriend.” Carly smiles sweetly, but I raise an eyebrow at the pet name. She knows I don’t play that shit, and she also knows I won’t call her out on her bullshit since we’re in public.
“Audie Foreman. Nice to meet you.”
“Giovanni DeLuca.” I hold out my hand to the older gentleman, and we shake.
His name sounds familiar, but before I can ask him if we’ve met previously, my brain stutters to a complete stop. It seems my assistant is the only person who affects me. If I thought Carly was gliding, she has nothing on the way Egypt floats across the floor.
The word queen comes to mind at the elegant way Egypt enters the room. Her jet black hair is parted down the middle and is bone straight. I have never seen her wear her hair in that style. It brings out her full lips and high cheekbones, and it’s sexy as fuck. Her lips are painted red, and her eye make-up is dark and brings out her brown eyes.
Most women chose to wear a white dress tonight, but Egypt has on a form-fitting black dress with what looks like see-through sides. I can’t tell if it’s actually her skin I’m seeing or if the dress is made to look like it’s her skin. Either way, it’s definitely not something I would ever picture my sweet little Egypt wearing.
I want to barge over and drag her to the nearest exit, so nobody else can see how sexy she is. But as I look around, I notice that I’m too late. Egypt has the attention of every man in the room and a few of the women.
I know she can feel me burning a hole in her by the way I’m staring. But, when she looks up and smiles in my direction, I feel like my heart started beating for the first time since I retired from fighting.
I almost smile back when that blonde fake Thor looking motherfucker comes up behind Egypt and kisses her temple. But, instead, my pulse starts to race, and the rush of adrenaline has me wanting to throat punch the pretty asshole.
Egypt looks up at him like he can hang the stars in the sky, and I know I’m about to lose my shit. Before I can make a move toward the couple, Foreman speaks, and Carly tugs on my arm. I completely zoned out and forgot they were even here.Shit, I forgot about everyone else in the room.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I finally asked the man standing in my way of getting to Egypt. I’m actually glad he is, or I might have made a spectacle of myself. And I can’t have that happen, especially tonight.
I gotta keep a cool head, so the Mancini family can’t get the upper hand.I can’t believe I almost lost it. What the fuck is wrong with me?
“I was just saying how fantastic this place is. Carly tells me you’ve only been in Nashville for a few years.”
“Thank you,” I say simply. I’ve been in Nashville for more than a few years. I used to come here as a child. But obviously, the man is fishing, and fucking Carly is giving out too much of my business.
“I’m pleased that I was able to make the eventthis time, Carly mentioned how your assistant must’ve overlooked sending my invitation to the last event.” I narrow my eyes at the man’s comment. Egypt never overlooks anything.
Then it clicks who the man is. Audie Foreman is the racist preacher who told his congregation that interracial marriage goes against God’s plan. The man is a fearmongering idiot who uses his position in the church to spread hate.
It doesn’t surprise me that the man is a friend of Carly’s prejudiced family. However, Carly knows me well enough not to bring his bigoted ass in my presence.
I give the man a real slow once over. He’s overweight, balding, and dressed in a four-thousand-dollar tux that looks cheap on him. He has on a Rolex and a pair of five-thousand-dollar Italian dress shoes.It looks like Audie is spending the congregation’s money wisely.
“No, it was Carly who did the overlooking. Excuse me.” I walk away, fuming. I’m definitely going to have to cut Carly loose. She’s taking too many liberties. Nobody wants to be associated with Audie Foreman. He’s walking cancer.
I head over to Egypt and her so-called boyfriend because even though I want to power drive his ass, she’s the only person who can calm me down right now.
“Egypt, you look beautiful,” I say, and I can’t help but lick my lips.
“Thank you,” she replies shyly.
“E baby, aren’t you going to formally introduce us?” Blondie says with a smirk.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry. Giovanni, this is Smith. Smith, this is my boss Giovanni.” Egypt replies with a big smile.
Her boss… right. But not for long!