Page 26 of Giovanni DeLuca
We both know what’s about to happen, but we sit silently in the back of the car. Nick doesn’t take us to either of Giovanni’s mansions. Instead, he drives us to the Four Seasons, where Giovanni has an apartment.
In what seems like no time at all, we are through the lobby, on a private elevator, and at Giovanni’s door. I’ve been here a million times before. But this time will change everything. This time I will get the full Giovanni DeLuca experience.
We enter the apartment, and Giovanni walks up the stairs without a word. I follow quietly, knowing he will give me instructions on what he wants from me.
“Strip.” The command is low, but I can hear the raw lust dripping from that single word.
I do as I’m told. I slip off my shoes, unbutton and remove my blouse and bra, and pull off my skirt. I stand naked and waiting. My entire body is vibrating with anticipation.
It feels like lunch was a month ago, and I can’t wait to feel Giovanni’s tongue on me again.
Giovanni walks around me, touching me with first just a single finger, then with his hand. I stand completely still. The only part of my body moving is my chest from panting. I’ve never wanted anything as bad as I want this man.
He kneels in front of me and starts to kiss my calf. His lips make a trail up to my leg then to the apex of my thighs. Giovanni inhales deeply and growls. I could cum right now, and he’s barely touched me.
“You smell so fucking good, baby. And I know just how delicious you are. I can’t believe you kept this pussy from me.” Giovanni slips his pointer finger inside me, and my legs begin to shake.
I bite my lip and hold back my moan because I don’t want him to take the pleasure away too soon. I’m wound up tight as hell from lunch, and I need a release in the worst way.
“This is for you baby. Not for me. I want to hear how I make you feel. I want you to show me.” Giovanni kisses my stomach lightly as he continues to stroke me.
This time I release my moan. The lustful sound is wanton and hedonistic. I’ve never made a noise like that in my life. And he hasn’t even done anything yet.
My body is set on fire with every touch Giovanni lays on me. He goes from feathering his fingers along my skin to biting and sucking. His mouth and fingers are causing havoc on my senses, but I’m doing my best to take it all in and stay in the moment.
“You’re so wet, baby. So fucking sexy. How the fuck did I resist you for so long?”
It’s a question I can’t answer because I had no clue he was trying to resist me. But now that I know, I’ll make sure he will never be able to resist me again.
Giovanni continues to devour me and I can only take it. My pussy is sopping wet, and fluttering like mad. I know he said this was for me, but I hold onto my orgasm until he tells me otherwise.
I don’t think I’ll be able to survive if he doesn’t let me cum again.
“Cum for me, baby,” Giovanni whispers the words and I let go.
I’m surprised that after everything he said today that he actually let me cum.