Page 41 of Giovanni DeLuca
Carly spots the gun with the silencer that’s conveniently sitting beside me. She looks around as if she’s going to… make a run for it.
“It will look like you went on the run. After all, you tried to get money out of the bank, but your accounts were frozen. But you were able to pawn some of your jewelry for cash. They even have a video of a woman who looks just like you at the pawnshop. Of course, after you rented a car and went to the airport, the trail will go cold.”
Carly starts moving backward but runs into Mario, who has been hiding in the shadows the entire time.
“They will all think you ran off to Europe or some island somewhere. They will never find you. Because there will be nothing left to find.”
The puff of air is all that is heard before Carly’s body hits the floor.
It only took a few hours to make it look like she left the country. It took longer to burn her body to ash, never to be found or identified. It had to be done, and I have no regrets. In the end, Carly and Salvador met the same fate. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
The elevator ding brings me back to the present. I exit and head to the private hospital room where I left Egypt, it’s empty. I figure she’s visiting Buddy, who is in the surgical and trauma unit on a different floor of the hospital. I make my way to Buddy’s room, but when I see he’s alone, worry starts to set in.
“You promised me you would keep her here in Nashville.” Buddy’s voice croaks, and my worry grows.
“Buddy, where’s Egypt?”
“She’s gone. My baby left me because of you.”
The words ring true, but I can’t bring myself to believe them. She can’t be gone because I just got her back.