Page 41 of Summer Cursed
She glanced at our mutual friend, and that’s when I saw it. The look in her eyes when she looked at him. “Stella?”
She snapped her attention back to me and must have read something in my expression. “It’s not like that, Em. I swear.”
I nodded, but something told me she was lying. I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt for never noticing how she felt about Isaac. They bickered like brother and sister, so I never even gave it a thought. Seeing that look in her eyes, I’m not sure how I ever missed it.
“You know, he’s a free man,” I whispered.
“No, he’s not. He likes to play the field, but I think we both know who he wants.”
I didn’t know what to say.
She placed her hand on my arm. “Oh, Em, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t. Don’t worry about it.”
“I know you’re special when it comes to being in heat. I’m surprised you haven’t jumped him a few times.”
“I do okay on my own.” I wiggled my eyebrows, and we both laughed, lightening the mood.
When my dad died and his Alpha juju passed on to me, it made me kind of an Alpha female. Normally an Alpha female is one who is mated with an Alpha male, but there’s really no other way to explain my situation.
There is something about us that makes our ovulation phase stronger than a regular female in the pack. It probably has something to do with evolution. Like its way of keeping our line stronger by making us the horniest so we will ‘breed’ more often.
My eyes landed on Liam as I chatted with Stella. He was standing by himself where I’d left him. When he caught my eye, I smiled at him, and he made his way toward us.
“Yeah, something tells me you won’t have to take care of yourself much longer,” Stella whispered.
Our eyes never left each other as he made his way to us. He moved with the same grace as our wolves. Slowly, surely… Deadly.
My wolf shifted as he neared. She wanted out. She wanted to play with him. I shushed her and promised to let her run free when we got home. She wasn’t happy about it but settled down anyway.
“I’m really tempted. There’s something about him,” I whispered back to her.
Stella laughed. “You mean other than his body, face, hair, money, body—”
“You already said body,” I said, still looking at Liam.
“It’s worth mentioning more than once.”
She wasn’t wrong. I smiled as he approached. “No drink for you?” I asked.
“Only if you’ll join me,” he said with a smile.
“I got her one,” Isaac said, handing me the glass while grinning at Liam.
Composed as always, Liam gave Isaac a nod. “Quite the gentleman. Stella, would you like a cocktail?”
“Yes, please. I’ll join you. I never know what I want.” She winked at me as she turned toward the bar.
“Do you have to be so rude to him? This is his house,” I said to Isaac.
His eyes narrowed. “You have hated him your whole life. What changed?”
“I’ve spent some time with him. We’ve talked about why I hated him. I guess it’s because I’m getting to know him and he’s not at all like I thought.”
He grunted. “You know nothing about him. You have no idea.”
“Really? What do you know about him? Has he done something terrible?”