Page 23 of Something New
Chapter Five
I kept my distance from Eli for the rest of the week. On top of that, Axel had returned and was asking for my time. I kept making up excuses, blaming my absence on work and family. Anything to keep me from having to look him in the face after what I did while wearing his ring. I kept my head down and stayed at my office as late as I could each night, buried up to my elbows in my work. As much as I dreaded having to face Eli after sleeping with him, I still had a job to do.
“Heading out soon?” Jackson asked, knuckles tapping against my office door as he entered.
“What time is it?”
“It’s almost five o’clock, and I know you don’t plan to wear that to the grand opening, do you?”
I looked down at the coffee stain on my blouse and shook my head. “No.”
“So, head out for the day. The ribbon cutting is at seven.”
“Yup. On it,” I said, not tearing my eyes away from my computer screen.
“Think of it this way; once you get what you need tonight, you’ll never have to see Chef Elijah Stone again.”
“Now, there’s a silver lining,” I said, pulling a soft smile. “But I’m wrapping up something; I’ll be getting out of here soon.”
“No, go now. You know traffic is a beast, especially with all the construction around the city.”
I sucked my teeth before closing my laptop. “Fine, okay, your right. Off I go!”
He watched me slide my laptop inside my bag before hurrying out the door to get home, shower, and change.
Dripping wet, I stood naked in front of my foggy vanity mirror with a million thoughts swarming around in my head. I wondered how Eli would act around me. Would he be as gentle and passionate as he was the night I let him inside or the cold, reserved asshole he was the first time we met? Would he want to talk about it? Would I? I sighed before wrapping my towel around me.
“Fuck,” I mumbled before moving to my closet to pull out my dress for the evening.
Once I slipped on the bronze satin dress with the high slit that stopped a few inches past my knees, I did my hair and makeup. I swiped up my black strappy heels and grabbed my keys and purse before heading to the door. The minute I swung the door open, I was startled to see Axel standing with his arm raised about to knock.
“Oh my God! You scared me!” I squealed, placing my hand over my chest.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, babe. But surprise!” he exclaimed with a bouquet of fresh red roses in his left hand.
“Axel, babe, what are you doing here? I was just about to leave to go to Seven Stone’s grand opening,” I informed him.
“Yeah, I know. I know how much of an asshole you said this guy was, so I wanted to be here for you.”
I cradled the side of his face in my hand. “You’re too good to me,” I said, tears welling up in the corner of my eyes.
“C’mon, let’s go,” he said, taking my hand in his, “I’ll drive.”
Axel and I arrived at the grand opening just in time to see the ribbon fall to the ground and hear the crowd cheer before the mayor of Seven Pines handed him the key to the city.
“I just have to show my face and grab a couple of quotes. Leo will take all the photos. That way, we won’t have to stay long,” I declared as we inched closer to the door.
“What’s the rush? There will be free food, right?”
“Yeah, samples with the option to order a full meal.”
“Okay, so let’s try to enjoy the night. Don’t let that asshole ruin it before it even gets started.”