Page 2 of Monster Claimed
“Behave, El,” Logan said, giving another squeeze before he released the tiny bit of flesh that throbbed in search of him
“Okay,” I lied and shook my chest at him. Although I would have needed more of a chest to do what I wanted. My breasts more wobbled than shook. Sometimes I wished they were bigger, but at my body assessment a few days ago I had been told they were perfect for the normally requested proportions.
A handful of breast, a mouthful of pussy, and a waist that made for easy movement.
I wasn’t one hundred percent sure what that meant, but I would find out soon enough.
I knew enough about sex to know that a cock goes into the mate, moves around and breeds them. I knew that I was to do what I was asked. Many of the girls I grew up with had been terrified of their placement, of what creature would buy them.
We had only heard of four before our blood reveal, although Logan had admitted to me that there were many more.
A Chymira. The horned man with eyes like fire.
A Sererbys. A creature with three heads and the ability to see the future.
A Bskilys. A man with scales for skin who can shift into the form of a snake at will.
A Hirpy. A long tongued creature with claws for hands.
I had no idea how accurate any of that was, though, or how many more there were. It was all rumor whispered in the halls about the creatures that one of the Kings of Syn had uncovered hundreds of years before. He had come and tamed the monsters that were here, and brought more in. He had created a way for the monsters to rule over us, to enjoy us. And then he had left us.
“It wouldn’t hurt you to smile,” I grumbled at him, stepping over to where my robe was thrown over the foot of my bed. I didn’t get more than two steps before Logan stopped me, his hand firm around my wrist.
“Stop, El. Let me look at you.” He spun me around, his eyes sliding down my naked body. Over my long legs, and waxed mound. Over the curves of ass, and my flat stomach. His eyes lingered on my breasts and the length of my hair, before coming to rest on my face. I bit my lip. Something in my gut always came alive when he looked at me that way. Something burning and wanting.
My thighs clenched together, that warmth trying to spread to places it was supposed to go.
Not until I was given away.
Not for him, even though that idea throbbed in my gut as much as it did in my pussy.
“Show me,” Logan said, a darkness that always thrilled me covering his voice.
Obediently, I turned my back to him and bent over, gripped my ass and spread my cheeks, revealing ass and cunt to him. He tapped his toe against the ground and I could have sworn I heard him swallow.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, his finger pressing against the tender flesh right at the apex of my thighs. I gasped and he chuckled. “I have trained you well, so much more obedient than you were when you came to me. I think you’ll do well today.”
“Today?” I squealed, jumping around to face him. All those warm fuzzies fell to my toes. “Is my placement today?”
“Yes, and we had a fresh flood last night.” Logan grabbed the robe and held it out for me. “A whole new crop, ready to be placed.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I confessed, the lack of understanding turning all of my excited butterflies against me, the damn things ready to swarm me.
“You were looking at the smoke.”
“It’s thicker today.” At least I thought it was, it was hard to tell.
“Yes,” Logan continued, his eyes flashing. “Last night the gash in the earth opened up, and six beasts crawled out. Two Chymira, a Hirpy, and a Denon from what I’ve heard.”
“A Denon?” I asked, I hadn’t heard of that one before. Logan just smiled.
“It's more than we have ever had for an auction. Everyone from below that gash wants a taste. They want to be here for the hundredth auction since King Aldric left. It's a golden anniversary, after all and they want to participate. King Aldric was the one who started the auctions, who brought the demons,” he reminded me and I nodded, that I knew. “We want to carry on his traditions and have the best show for them in his honor. And you are a perfect specimen to that.” He seemed happy, but the words seemed hard for him to say for some reason. “We want them to gush after you. That means the best pictures, the best preparation. You’ll be ripe by tomorrow morning.”
Now that was a term I knew, a woman wasn’t ripe until after her first fuck. Before then we were unplucked. After that, after we were claimed by our beast, branded as their mate, everything changed.
“You okay, El?” Logan asked, tweaking my nipple again. I nodded numbly and forced myself to swallow. “Good, cuz it’s time to put that beautiful pussy of yours on display, show all the beasts who are here to claim you exactly what they are fighting over.”