Page 20 of All In With Love
“Hello, Matthias,” I say walking forward.
“You haven’t been showing up to work. Petal, when I told you you could take things easy, I didn’t mean to take days off,” he says shaking his head.
That can’t be the reason he’s here but I find myself smiling.
“I’ll be at work first thing on Monday morning,” I assure him and he nods.
There’s silence for a bit while everyone just stands awkwardly.
“Matthias, what are you doing here?” Roman asks.
“Oh right, why are all of you standing? Sit down,” Matthias orders and we do. I take a seat on the couch beside Taj.
“Okay, so the matter I’m about to discuss is one of utmost importance. There’s a new mission,” he says.
We all start to get confused. Usually when there’s a mission, I’m the person that tells them all they need to know. But right now I know nothing about this mission. Only that it’s so serious Matthias had to come here himself.
“It’s a solo mission.”
We’re all quiet as the gravity of the statement hits us. A solo mission. One of the guys will have to go on a mission on his own. I hate this, I usually advocate against these missions because they’re never safe. The last person who went on a solo mission on the team was Brock and while he came back home safe and sound, there were some really close calls.
“What’s it about?” Roman asks.
“There have been some high level robberies going on. All in different states in America and all by the same group of robbers.”
“I haven’t heard anything about that,” I say and Matthias nods.
“The government is keeping the robberies out of the news so it doesn’t stir up any panic. These guys are good. They only rob museums, big banks, art exhibits, places that have really expensive stuff. They go in and get out quickly without being noticed. They’ve successfully robbed three museums in Las Vegas. They did the same at Ohio a month ago and then San Francisco before that.”
“How can you tell they’re the same group?” Roman asks with a frown.
“Because they’re always in a team of five and well, they possess state of the art technology that has thus far, rendered them uncatchable,”
“Uncatchable?” Alan questions, his mouth curling in amusement.
I can tell what he’s thinking. No one is uncatchable.
“Yes. Like I said before, we’re dealing with an elite ring. They’re also known for disappearing after a heist. We don’t know where they go, I suspect that it’s somewhere underground like a secret bunker after they’ve successfully stolen something. They disappear for a week or two weeks, or however long it would take to plan their next heist.”
“So it’s impossible to predict where they’ll strike and also impossible to pinpoint their location after they’ve successfully finished their heist,” Roman surmises and Matthias nods in approval.
“Not impossible, my boy. Just extremely difficult.”
“The solo mission,” I say reminding Matthias.
He sighs.
“We need to infiltrate the thieves. If we have a man on the inside, we could find out where they go into hiding.”
“Hang on,” Alan begins. “No offense Matthias but America has state-of-the-art intelligence and you’re telling us no one has been able to capture a group of criminals?”
Matthias smiles.
“Trust me Alan, they’ve tried. CCTV cameras, fingerprints, tracking devices. The LAPD actually tried to trap the thieves with a ploy. They added a tracking device on a painting worth 10 million dollars which they were sure the robbers would steal. It didn’t work, they found the device and got rid of it. They are simply too good for that kind of stuff.”
“If they’re so good, how do you expect any of us to infiltrate?” Phil asks.
“First off, we’ve been able to predict the next location of their heist. We have a very good hunch it’s gonna be New York. There’s a party there and on display at the party is supposed to be some sort of rare diamond. Our spy will wait until the diamond has been stolen and the thieves are escaping. He’ll be close enough for when a guy from our side shoots at one of the bandits. Our spy will save the bandit about to be shot.”
Brock’s eyebrows are furrowed.
“I don’t get it,” he says.
“He’s saying the spy will gain their trust by saving a team member’s life. That way, they’ll trust him enough to take him in and hopefully show him their hideout. It’s pretty smart actually.”
“It’s good that you think that way, Taj. I want the spy to be you,” Matthias says.
What?! NO!