Page 22 of All In With Love
“Hey,” she says. She has been crying.
I jump onto the bed beside her.
“Petal, I’m going to be fine. Stop acting like I’m doomed,” I admonish.
“Solo missions are horrible. If something goes wrong, we won’t have a way of contacting you. I don’t want to lose you. You can’t go,” she says firmly.
“Petal, I don’t have a choice,” I say softly. Her expression crumbles and tears fill her eyes.
I pull her into an embrace.
“I’ll be fine, I promise. Stop crying, please.”
“I just got you,” she tells me wiping her tears.
“You’ve had me for years, Petal. You’re never going to lose me. All I need from you now is to believe in me. Please baby, believe I can come back safely.”
She shuts her eyes. I can tell this decision isn’t easy for her, but I’ll feel better if she lets me go.
“If you don’t come back to me, I’ll kill you,” she threatens.
I laugh. I don’t say that I’ll probably already be dead. Death is the only thing that wouldn’t make me return to her.
“I love you,” I say kissing her forehead.
Those stormy grey eyes regard me. I can almost see her brain working and whirring. Finally, she sighs, then reaches up to kiss me on the lips.
“I love you too, Taj. Don’t break my heart.”
“I won’t,” I promise.
But promises are so easily broken, especially when I have no control.
“You should be able to communicate with us once a day after you’ve regained their trust,” Matthias tells me. We’re in his van heading to the airport.
“You memorized my number, right?” Roman asks.
He’s the only one who came along. I already said my goodbyes to Petal at home. She looked so distraught. I really wish that hadn’t been the last expression I saw on her face.
“Taj,” Roman calls. I had spaced out.
“Oh yeah, right. Sorry. I memorized your number,” I assure him. I can’t take any communication devices or weapons. Alan gave me a watch that can supposedly make phone calls. We’re all hoping the robbers don’t seize it when they take me in. It looks like an ordinary watch.
As soon as I find out where the hideout of the robbers is, I’ll find a way to call Roman and the cavalry will arrive to save me. It should be no biggie.
I say goodbye to them and head into the plane. I have my orders. Matthias and Roman wish me luck.
When I get to the location, the party is in full swing. The robbers will soon launch their attack. But I’m not to go anywhere near the party. I wait at a coffee shop near a dark alleyway. It was predicted that this is their getaway route. I think about how easily this plan could fall apart if the predictions are all wrong.
But they aren’t. About an hour later, five men come running. I hurriedly stand and head outside. Our man on the roof will fire the first shot into the ground to alert the robbers. I can’t see their faces but the fact that they’re wearing masks chills me. Especially since the masks seem so alike to ours.
The robbers stop for a minute to talk, probably thinking they’re out of harm’s way. Then the first shot rings out. They immediately take cover, scattering behind dumpsters, buildings. I’m pretty sure at least one or two have gotten away.
I run into the alleyway which is directly opposite the coffee shop. Then I pretend to spot the shooter. I shout, pointing at the roof of a building.
“Over there!” I yell.