Page 9 of All In With Love
“You’re lying,” she bites out.
“Why would I lie? Aurora’s a close friend, a really close one. I’ve known her for a while. We went to college together.”
“Friends with benefits,” Petal spits out. Her hands are fisted and there’s menace in her tone.
No, we aren’t but I’m not sure repeating that to Petal would make things any better, so I say nothing at all. For a while, we both stare into the quiet garden.
“You know she has feelings for you, right?” Petal asks and I swallow audibly.
“I do but she knows I can’t reciprocate her feelings. Aurora understands how I feel,” I state.
Too late, I realize Petal will take that the wrong way.
“Well, I’m sorry I don’t understand how you feel,” she says scowling.
“But if you know she has feelings for you, why are you still leading her on? Doesn’t that seem awful to you?” she questions.
I don’t know how to reply to that.
“Can’t you just let this go? Please?”
I shouldn’t have said that. Petal’s grey eyes darken.
“Just fuck off, Taj,” she tells me before walking back into the mansion.
I know she’s acting like this because she’s drunk but I don’t really know how I’m going to dig myself out of this shit hole.
The party is in full swing when I return. Most of them are already on their way to being drunk. There’s a lot of PDA going on. Especially from Roman and Lizzy.
“How about we play some games?” Rachael suggests.
“Truth or Dare?” Alan asks his girlfriend and she grins in approval.
Phil groans.
“Come on, guys. We’re not in high school or college.”
Jessie slaps his shoulder.
“Don’t be a buzzkill. I’m in,” she says and then there are nods of confirmation from everyone else.
I have a bad feeling about this.
“We’ll take turns asking anybody we want to ask. If you refuse your truth or dare, you drink, alright?” Roman asks.
He’s more laidback than usual. The alcohol’s effect I guess.
“What about those of us who can’t drink?” Annabella asks pointing at her growing belly.
“Brock will drink for you,” Alan says like the matter is settled.
Brock glares but doesn’t say anything. The game begins with Alan.
“Lizzy, truth or dare?” he asks.
“Dare,” Lizzy says with a courageous face. Alan smiles mischievously.
“I dare you to give Roman a lap dance,” he says and I roll my eyes.