Page 43 of The Night Calling
I foundmyself staring out the windows, or searching the corners of each house and building to and from the school, to get a glimpse of Shane as he watched over us.
Over me.
It was silly. I knew he couldn’t watch us all day, but it made me feel better.
We had to hang on a little more. Shane would find a way for us to get out of here.
Just a little longer.
After I helped Rue with the pack’s lunch, I went back to the library, where I had left Minsi and her studies. I half expected to walk in and find Shane seated at the table beside her, helping her with homework. However, Shane wouldn't show himself to her yet. It was risky.
Everything was risky.
I hadn’t found Shane in the library with Minsi, but he had been in here earlier. When I sat down beside Minsi to check her progress with today’s geography lesson, she showed me a piece of paper.
“What is this?” I asked, taking the piece of paper from her.
She shrugged. “It was here when I arrived.”
I stared at her. She had spoken six words in one sentence. I hadn’t heard this much at once in a long time. I wanted to hug her, to congratulate her, but I was afraid that if I did, she would recoil inside her shell. So, I just smiled at her and took a good look at the paper.
It was a ripped piece of yellow paper. A Post-It. Frowning, I walked to the front of the library, where the check-in counter was. I moved around it and found a stack of yellow Post-Its from the desk behind the counter. Another piece of a ripped Post-It was tucked halfway inside a drawer under the desk. I opened the drawer. Office supplies filled the drawer—staples, paper clips, glue sticks, scissors, etc. What the hell? Confused, I rummaged through the supplies, moving them around.
A yellow Post-It peeked from underneath, and this one wasn’t ripped.
Meet me at our place. Use the potion.
I stared at the note, my mouth hanging open. Shane wanted me to meet him now? In the middle of the afternoon? And he had left me a potion? I rummaging through the drawer until I found a small vial with an amber liquid tucked in the back.
I picked up the vial, and for a moment, I was frozen in place.
Holy shit, I was doing this, wasn’t I?
I ripped the note in a dozen pieces and threw it in the trash, under several other piece of paper that had probably been there for well over a year. With shaking hands, I put the vial in my shorts’ pocket and went back to Minsi. As if nothing had happened, I looked over her lesson then assigned her another chapter and a long list of questions. That should keep her busy for another hour or so. Enough time for me to talk to Shane. I hoped.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” I told her.
She nodded but frowned at me when I headed to the back door. I placed my finger over my lips; she wouldn’t tell anyone.
I walked into the backroom, which served as storage, and stopped at the back door. Before Conri, I had worked in the library and I had spent most of my time in this backroom, organizing books and doing paperwork. The library’s director hadn’t been a big fan of having the omega as an employee, but besides all the horrible things the alpha did and let others do to us, he was adamant my mother and I should have jobs.
“Everyone has to do their part,” he had said. “Even the worms have a role in the food chain.”
The director didn’t have a choice in hiring me, but she kept me in the backroom as much as she could.
I fished the vial from my pocket, wondering what the potion did. Did I trust Shane enough to just drink a potion he gave me? Didn’t I hate the guy?
I did, I hated him, but I knew he wouldn’t do anything that would harm Minsi or Tyren. I tipped my chin, drinking the potion. My throat burned with its sour taste, but it was gone fast.
At first, nothing happened. Then, a few seconds later, I felt a tingling spread. I glanced down and gasped. I was invisible!
I edged open the back door and spied out. No demons in sight. Still, I was as silent as I could when I exited the library, closed the door, and walked down the street, heading toward the forest. Twice, I stopped dead in my tracks when demons on patrol emerged from between houses. They walked past me as if I didn’t exist.
Adrenaline shot through my veins, and once I was at the forest’s edge, I ran toward the rock formation. My muscles screamed at me, and my wolf stirred in my chest, but as much as I wanted, I couldn’t shift, not with these damn shackles. I enjoyed the wind in my face, my long hair whipping behind my back. I had to slow down once, when a patrol’s movements reached my ears, but I felt pretty wild knowing that even if I ran right under his nose and he heard me, he couldn’t seeme.
I slowed down again when the rock formation came into view. Feeling a little naughty, I rounded the rock with slow, sure steps, watching from a distance as Shane leaned again the rock beside the fissure.