Page 126 of Dare To Love Me
Anightmare, that’s what I’d fallen into.
A nightmare that I couldn’t wake from. The past week had been the same story as the plane ride. Luca continued to be cold and completely distant. Barely speaking a word to me, and when he did they were unfeeling. Bitter. The anger and frustration never seemed to leave his face, even when he would catch me naked in the shower, like he was disgusted by the very sight of me.
I thought patience and space would bare some form of fruit, giving him time to process and calm. I continued to be the faithful wife, waiting. It had no effect; if anything he actively got worse every day. I was lost, searching for some answer of how to reach him. I’d prayed for the strength to withstand the storm, but my hull continued to break apart with every look of resentment Luca gave me. Despair built big, black clouds over my head.
“Has he gotten any better?” Arianna asked, sitting next to me on the bed.
I flopped onto my back looking at the ceiling, remembering the beautiful moments Luca and I shared under it. Now it all seemed a distant memory. “No. He is still barely speaking to me. He won’t touch me either. He is just so angry all the time and I don’t know anything about what is going on. Do you know anything?”
“I know why he’s upset but that doesn’t excuse him from treating you like shit,” she sneered.
“I agree. Why is he being like this?”
“Because they can’t find him.”
“Find who?” I popped up on my elbows.
“Victor Petrov. He is responsible for Lorenzo’s death. He sent that kid to kill him and instead of being able to even the score, Petrov has gone into hiding and now Matteo and Luca can’t find him.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, squeezing my eyes shut. Luca became the new Underboss and I already knew how seriously he took his job before. Now he would demand perfection from himself with the new level of responsibility. And with Matteo as Boss it would be more personal than ever before.
“So what you’re saying is, Luca feels like a failure?”
“Yes, and he is taking it very personal. Even Matteo has noticed a shift in him and is worried.”
“He blames me,” I sighed.
Arianna scoffed. “Blames you for what?”
“If it wasn’t for my grandmother’s funeral he would have been here when it happened.”
“He said that?”
“No,” I croaked. “But I know without a doubt. You should’ve seen the way he turned from me after he got the call. It’s on his face every time he looks at me. He hates me for it.”
“He does not hate you. He’s hating himself and the feeling that he is failing.”
“I don’t know what to do. I’m scared. He hardly comes home. He doesn’t want me touching him. What if he doesn’t want me anymore? What if he cheats on me?” Luca was a man, and men have needs. And if he wasn’t letting me fulfill those needs, then…
I hated myself for thinking like that but I couldn’t help it. Your mind does crazy things when you feel helpless and unwanted.
“Then I will cut his dick off, but I really don’t think so. From what Matteo said, Luca has been hitting the streets non-stop to find information. He’s found nothing. Wherever Petrov is, he hid his tracks well. Unfortunately Petrov is very smart and patient.”
“So what do I do?”
Before Arianna could answer the front door to the house opened and slammed shut. We both snapped to attention. Fast, loud footsteps echoed up from the foyer through the open bedroom door.
“Is that Luca?” she asked.
“It’s the middle of the day.” It had been two days since I’d seen Luca’s face in the daylight. “But if it’s not Luca, Steven would have stopped him at the door.”
The footsteps grew louder until Luca stood in the doorway to our bedroom. Even with the sour look on his face he was still handsome. I couldn’t stop my heart from doing a hard thump in my chest. I missed him. His touch, his embrace, and his warmth. Staring at Arianna and I sitting on the bed he looked as if he wanted to burn the house down around us.
Then his gaze ran down my body, slowly. My core heated, unlike the cold that stayed in his brown eyes.
“Get out Arianna.” His demanding voice sounded extremely demeaning.