Page 136 of Dare To Love Me
Vinny cleared his throat beside me. “Boss. I think it would be wise to cancel your wife’s birthday party.” His deep raspy voice carried apprehension.
“No.” Matteo answered coldly.
I sighed, rubbing a hand down my face. Vinny was responsible for having the men ready for war at all times. Being an ex-marine, battle hardened and built like a tank, he’d proven time and again to be the perfect man for the job. Hand to hand combat and weapons training had been under his supervision for a long time. Vinny calculated risk and always gave an honest opinion. Matteo and I valued his input and always took heed of his warnings. Until now.
“Boss. The party would be the perfect opportunity to strike with so many of us packed into a public space. It’s a miracle they didn’t hit the funeral. I don’t know what’s lit a fire under their ass, but they have shown they are on the move with no intention of slowing down. The party is too high risk.”
“I will not cancel the party. One, it means too much to Arianna. And two,” Matteo’s hands balled into fist on the table, “I will not fucking cower down and hide like that slimy bastard did. No one will intimidate me. So, I suggest you do your damn job and make the location safe.”
Vinny let out a low rumble before replying with a, “Yes Boss.” His lips pressed together in an unhappy line underneath his salt and pepper beard.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, snagging my attention. I frowned as I answered it. “I said no interruptions.”
I straightened in my chair as the other person talked, turning to Matteo with a pointed look. “Send him up,” I ordered and hung up. “Jasper is here.”
Everyone sat straighter. The only reason Jasper would show up was to bring information. No one moved while I went to the door, opening it before Jasper had a chance to knock.
“Jasper,” I shook his hand.
“Luca. I have something for you.” He moved to the table but didn’t sit. He looked frazzled and uncomfortable.
“Jasper,” Matteo greeted. “What have you got for us?”
“One of my girls was working over some guy in one of Petrov’s known hangouts. Apparently, he is one of her regulars. She is high-end and he is very particular and careful, never lets his guard down. She always suspected he was near the top of Petrov’s food chain.”
“Get to the fucking point,” Nico barked, earning glares from both Matteo and myself.
“I asked my girls to push hard for information. She managed to slip this guy something to get him talking.” Jasper cleared his throat looking more uncomfortable. “The Russian’s have been talking to someone on your inside or at least has access to inside knowledge. The person is giving them detailed information about your men’s habits and possible locations for labs and drops.”
“Do you have a name for the bastard leaking info?” I asked with barely restrained fury. We have a traitor.
“She got nothing else?” Vinny asked.
“No,” Jasper snapped. “I know it’s not a lot but it’s all she got.”
Matteo stood from the table and walked to the hidden safe behind a picture hanging on the wall behind my desk. We were the only ones with the combo. He pulled a stack of money out of the safe, pausing for a split second and returned to offer the cash to Jasper.
Jasper shook his head, looking sickened by the sight of it. “No. I can’t.”
All the men froze. For someone like Jasper to refuse payment was like a fish refusing water.
“And why is that, Jasper? Feeling guilty? Did you just feed us shit info?” Nico drawled.
“Go fuck yourself Nico!”
“Nico!” Matteo scolded. “Not another word.” Nico pressed his lips together and scowled. “Why won’t you take the money Jasper?”
“Because he killed her.”
“He what?”
Jasper placed his hands on his hips, gaze falling to the floor. “She called from the bathroom before… He must have realized…” He swallowed hard. “Lets just say she was probably begging him to kill her by the time he slit her throat.”
My guts twisted. It was no secret how messy and vile the Russians could be. I didn’t want to think about what that woman endured. Or the fact Becka had been so close to falling into their hands once.
“She was a sweet girl. Young. She was only doing what I asked her and that’s on me. So, no Matteo, I don’t want your money.”
“I’m sorry Jasper.” Matteo and I both offered at the same time.
“Ya, me too.” He turned and headed for the door.
“So now instead of looking out, we are also looking in?” I asked no one in particular.
“It seems that way. Everyone go home and get some rest. Process what we just heard and come back tomorrow with new plans.” Matteo returned the money to the safe while everyone filed out.
When I drove away from the club it was after one o'clock in the morning. My feet had been dragging half the night. All I wanted to do was crawl in bed with a sleeping Becka and let the warmth and softness of her make the shit day seem worth it.