Page 154 of Dare To Love Me
With her salty tears on my lips and whimpers of happiness filling my ears I kissed Becka with the ferocity of a hurricane. Picking her up off the couch I palmed her ass and she wrapped her legs around me, holding on tight as I carried her to the upstairs bathroom.
When I set her on the floor a tornado of tearing and ripping off of clothes started. I wanted her so bad I thought if I didn’t get inside her and feel every inch of her silky skin against mine I would go insane. Our tongues danced and hands grabbed as groans and moans of need filled the small bathroom. I was iron hard, the tip of my dick pulsed and leaked, ready for her.
Once we were naked I pulled her into the shower where both of us hurried through the task of ridding all the blood and smoke evidence of the night from each others bodies. My mouth nipped and sucked all her wet, hot flesh, her hips thrusting with impatience every time I got near her center.
Spinning Becka so her back pressed too my front, I used my fingers to pleasure her until she cried out and begged for me to slip inside. Instead, I teased her breasts and perfect, hardened nipples until she got close to coming again. My own body begged for release but pleasuring Becka was far too rewarding to not give her multiple orgasms first.
Becka leaned forward placing her hands on the wall, thrusting her hips backwards. “Luca, please. I need you. Now.”
Not able to deny her any longer I lined up and thrust forward, taking her without a hint of gentleness. Then began to thrust, hard and true. My molars ground together to keep from losing it in the first thirty seconds, but I held on until she came crying out uncontrollably while I hit her spot on every stroke. Becka set me off, and too fast for my liking I jerked and stiffened as my own release almost took us both to the shower floor.
I hauled her into my arms where we held each other under the hot spray. Becka stroked my back lightly with her nails while I held her to my chest, never wanting to move from that spot.
Flashes of the night we met, up until that moment rushed by like leaves on the wind. I never could have hoped for a better woman at my side, let alone one that had been forced to marry me and turned my world upside-down. And I was dammed happy about it. Despite everything we’d been through, I’d do it all over again if it meant having Becka in my life.
“I love you, Becka Moretti,” I whispered against her wet hair.
“I love you, Luca Moretti.” Her lips came up to meat mine for a long tender kiss.
* * *
“Are there any extra clothes in here I can use?” Becka asked as she stood in the master closet, staring at all clothes that would never fit her.
“Sorry, just guns and mens clothes.” I finished pulling on some jeans and a shirt. When her lips pinched in disappointment I held up the two pistols I’d removed from the safe. “You can lose the towel and walk around wearing these if you’d like.”
That cute little eyebrow lifted. “You sure you want me walking around wearing only weapons when Matteo gets here?”
“As long as you don’t answer the door like that, I’d be ok with it.” She backed away with a coy smile as I approached until her back touched the door jam. Leaning down I pressed a hard kiss to her lips, a moan of approval had my abs tightening. Becka smelled fresh and warm from the shower. Every bit of her exposed flesh and wet hair intoxicated me.
“I don’t think so. I’ll rain-check it.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.” My body reacted to the image of Becka’s toned body walking around with nothing but guns strapped to her sexy smooth skin. With my hands full of pistols I lifted them to the wall above her head, pressed forward so she could feel my arousal and used my body to translate how much I wanted her again.
She hummed, bowing into me, her hands sliding up my chest. A shiver stole her breath when I leaned down to nip at the spot where her shoulder meets her neck.
I couldn’t stop touching her. I knew she was real flesh and blood. That her beauty and touch would not feel so warm if it was all a dream. But after what happened it didn’t lessen the need to not have more than an inch between us at all times.
“Luca,” she breathed heavily in my ear, “Matteo could be here any minute.”
The sound of the front door opening and closing had us stiffening. “Wait here.” I left her hiding in the closet while I moved out of the room to the corner at the top of the stairs.
Pressing my back to the wall I held up both pistols and leaned around the corner to see down the stairs. It was most likely Matteo but I wasn’t taking any chances. When Matteo’s face came into view, my shoulders dropped.
“Luca. You guys ok?” He called from the bottom of the stairs as I made my way down.
“Yeah, we’re good.” Arianna appeared from around the corner with a duffle bag slung over her shoulder. “Arianna.”
“Luca. Is Becka up there?”
“Yeah. Go ahead.” I moved so she could slip past, as she raced up the stairs.
Matteo and I embraced each other in a brotherly hug that lasted longer than usual. We both knew it could be the last for a very long time.