Page 17 of Dare To Love Me
Igritted my teeth against the pain in my wrists and scalp. Ouch! I didn’t know where they were taking me but I’d be damned if I was going to go quietly.
In one last desperate attempt to get free I twisted my wrists as hard as I could. I managed to get free from the man on my right. With a cry of rage I swung as hard as I could at Mark’s face on the opposite side, connecting with a right hook. It felt like hitting iron.
His head jerked back with a curse.
I swung around, trying to catch the other man with my elbow, but he was ready. He ducked and I was rewarded with a powerful slap. I swore my left eye was going to pop out of it’s socket.
Oh sweet mother of God! Ow! I gasped unable to even cry out as the faint taste of copper hit my tongue. I would have fallen to the floor if it wasn’t for Mark’s death grip on my bicep.
“Fucking bitch,” Mark growled then poised to strike.
“Nico. Mark. Thats enough!” I heard his voice and my head shot up. Luca stood by the window vibrating with deadly energy.
Then I was being hauled forward. Rough hands shoved me into a chair so hard it jarred my back. I didn’t try to get back up.
My face throbbed, my head was splitting in half and my hand was killing me. I gingerly reached up to touch my face and felt warm liquid on the corner of my mouth. I wiped the blood on my dress.
“Are you finished?” The deep commanding voice had my head snapping to attention.
I found myself looking at a handsome middle-aged man sitting behind an elegant wooden desk. He looked me up and down. I could only imagine what I looked like. Red marks on my face, dress rumpled, hair all a mess; and I couldn’t give two shits.
I heard a whimper. Matteo sat in a chair in the corner, bookshelves lined the walls behind him, a disheveled Arianna clung to his side.
I glanced at Luca who still stood by the window, hands in his pockets, muscles strung tight. I didn’t make eye contact but mentally kicked myself for still feeling my heart squeeze at the sight of him.
My brain caught up. I considered the question that the man asked me, then reacted.
Nico— now I knew his name— stood next to my chair. I raised my foot, sending my spiked heel down onto the top of Nico’s shoe.
He roared out in pain and staggered away, then glared at me with pure rage. Raised his hand and I braced for impact. Nico stopped short when the man behind the desk help up a hand.
“Yes. I’m finished,” came my answer, calm as I could manage it. Inside I was flying apart. I hurt, was scared out of my mind, but I wasn’t going to give these bastards the satisfaction of seeing it. My eyes began to burn. I will not cry.
I felt Luca watching me with unnerving focus. Energy pumped off of him in waves.
There was a flash of red and Arianna appeared at my side on the floor. “Oh my God. Becka I am so sorry!” she cried hysterically. “Just take the deal. Please!”
I didn’t even know what that meant. And didn’t care. “You. Get the hell away from me,” I said, ice cold. “And don’t say another word. I can’t even stand to look at you.” I turned away.
“Becka, please!”
“Tony. Get her out of here.” Came a command from behind the desk.
I didn’t look as Tony pulled her from the room. I forced my attention on the man in front of me.
He pulled a handgun from a drawer, setting it lightly on the desktop.
I didn’t flinch but I could hear a sharp inhale from near the window. I faked stoic determination as I stifled the shock wave of adrenaline blasting through me. Keep it together. Stay strong.
“Here is how this is going to go. I ask the questions, you answer. And you are going to sit there like a good little girl.” His mocking tone had my nostrils flaring. “Understand?” He laced his fingers together on the desk.
I nodded my head. Yes
“Good girl. Do you know who I am?”
I shook my head. No