Page 47 of Dare To Love Me
“Luca. LUCA!” Matteo’s barking brought me back. He frowned in frustration. “Where is your head today?”
“His head is in that tight pussy tied to his bed at home,” Nico laughed beside me.
The look I shot him could melt metal. I knew that’s probably what Nico would have done if Becka had gone to him. My lip curled up in a sneer.
Nico threw up his hands in mock surrender, still laughing. “Hey man I don’t blame you. If she had gone to me I would have torn that pussy and ass up so much by now she wouldn’t be walking straight for a month.”
Livid didn’t begin to describe the feeling. I glanced at Matteo who gave me a stiff nod.
I gripped the back of Nico’s neck and slammed his head into the table hard enough to make him see stars, holding him there. Then I leaned in close, my voice pure ice. “Becka is my wife. You keep her out of your fucked up head. And if you ever talk about her like that again I will cut out your fucking tongue.” I put more pressure on his neck. “Nod so I know you understand.”
Nico nodded but the look on his face said it all. He was pissed at the humiliation of being put in his place. Nico was Matteo’s cousin— his father runs things in Vegas— I wasn’t blood. Nico always harbored a bit of resentment towards me for being a position over him. Nonetheless, he was loyal and never once brought his ability to follow orders into question. He just has a problem keeping his mouth shut.
I released him so he could sit up.
“Wait outside,” Matteo told him.
Nico got up and left without a word.
Matteo studied me across the table. “What’s going on with you?”
“What do you mean?” I shrugged.
“Don’t try that shit with me. We have been friends too long. You are losing your edge.”
“Are you talking about what just happened with Nico? He’s lucky I gave him a warning.”
“No. I’m not talking about that. He was out of line.”
“Then what?” I asked exasperated.
“Why are you so unfocused?”
I raked my hands through my hair. “I honestly have no clue.”
He watched me for a beat. “This thing with Becka is no shit, isn’t it? I knew you felt different about her but…”
“I don’t know how I feel. She, she…,” the words died on my tongue as I huffed out a heavy breath.
“Luca, I don’t blame you. From the way Arianna describes her, she is a rarity. From what I’ve seen the last couple of days I have the notion to agree. But I need you focused, not daydreaming about the pussy you want to get home to.”
“We haven’t had sex yet, Matteo.” I wouldn’t have admitted that to anyone else.
Matteo boomed with laughter, throwing his head back. “No wonder you are so messed up. I remember wanting Arianna so bad I thought my dick would explode.”
“She wants it, I can tell. But she’s scared.”
“That’s understandable, it’s been four days. Imagine what she is going through.”
“I have.”
“Then, have you told her anything about how you feel about her?”
“I’ve told her how much I want to fuck her.”
“Is that all you want from her?”
“What do you mean?”