Page 72 of Dare To Love Me
Arianna and I stayed up talking and drinking until the numbers on the clock blurred into fuzzy lines rather than digits.
First, I told her everything about what happened at the fountain. The champagne glass in Arianna’s hand cracked under the pressure of her grip when it came to the Serena part. Arianna may not be a fighter physically, but her passion to protect the people she loved was almost scary.
The conversation moved on to trying our best to put the last few days into perspective, one that would in some way show a silver lining. Us being able to see each other all the time, yes.
Luca and I? Maybe, but that was still dangerous where my heart was concerned. The fact that I was essentially a prisoner to the mafia and living my life in a criminal underworld? Definitely no silver sparkling on that one.
After hours of going in circles we fell asleep atop the comforter, mumbling incoherently until we passed out.
* * *
“Oh my God!Wake up! Wake up!” Arianna screamed as she battered me with a pillow.
“What the hell?” I yelled, putting my arms up as a shield.
“We didn’t set an alarm!”
That's not good.I rolled over to look at the clock. “Oh shit.” We overslept big time.
“The makeup artist and stylist have been knocking at the door for the past five minutes!” she screamed.
“Calm down,” I yelled, getting panicky myself. “Shower.” Jumping out of bed like it was on fire we rushed for the bathroom. We showered together to save time, fighting over water and conditioner.
Makeup and hair was rushed. Thank God for professionals, because they still managed to make us look flawless. Arianna’s mother came in to help me get Arianna into her dress.
“Where’s my veil?” Arianna spun in circles, doing her best to wrap herself up in the train.
“Arianna, darling its on your head.” Her mother calmly pointed out.
Arianna reached up to touch the delicate lace to confirm it. Her shoulders slumped in relief.
It was almost laughable how cliche the ‘bride slept in late’ kind of day it was turning out to be. Chaos at its finest.
Mayhem began when we finally made it out to the gardens for photos, an hour and a half late. The photographer was furious, but for the amount he was being paid he kept his attitude in check. The tension however, did nothing to help Arianna’s panicked state. We rushed through photos at record speed, but she looked perfect and beautiful beyond compare in every one of them.
When there wasn’t a second more to spare, we jumped into the limo headed for the church.
Arianna started panic breathing. “We are going to be late.”
“They can’t start without you. Everything is going to be fine.”
“Everything is not going to be fine! We are going to be late. It will humiliate him. I will have embarrassed him. His dad will be furious. Lorenzo hates being disappointed. Matteo will take the brunt of it. Drive faster.” She hammered the window separation in the limo. The car rocketed forward.
“I swear if you say we are going to be late one more time I am going to slap you. No one is going to be disappointed. Everything is fine,” I assured her. “Take a deep breath.”
“Ok. Ok. Everything is fine.”
We arrived at the beautiful Catholic church two minutes before I was to walk down the aisle ahead of Arianna. Matteo and Luca would be waiting at the alter. Arianna’s mother had left during photos to accompany Arianna’s father, so everything was set except us. I winced as I wondered how bad Matteo was freaking out about us almost being late.
I power walked through the side entrance and down the hall with Arianna and her father, who had met us at the door. The music started as I rounded the corner and some strange woman shoved me into the aisle. I nearly stubbled in my heals, then reminded myself that there wasn’t a need to rush. I forced my steps to slow and flashed a smile I hoped didn’t show that the first part of the day had been a shit-show.
Reminding myself why I was there turned my smile form forced to genuine. Made-of-honor in my best friend’s wedding, where she is getting married to the love of her life. My chest swelled with happiness for her.
My own reality tried to weigh in but I shoved it down. No wedding for me. And love remained— at this point— too uncertain to even dwell on, let alone a tangible relationship. So, I filed it all to the bottom of the stack to deal with another day.
One day at a time.