Page 74 of Dare To Love Me
“Hello, I’m Becka.” Her voice poured through the reception hall loud and clear as the crowded room fell silent. “Arianna asked me to play for you today.”
She paused while people started making their way back to their seats and cleared the dance floor. Becka’s bright smile lit up the room from the stage.
“I promise it’s not classical, although my grandmother would have preferred it.” I watched from the back of the room from my preferred spot while she searched out Arianna. Her and Matteo were at the other end of the bar, Matteo holding Arianna from behind. “I chose to play for you ‘Arena’ by Lindsey Stirling, because it reminds me so much of Arianna. Strong and beautiful. Love you girly. Always.”
Arianna blew Becka a double handed kiss, tears pricking her eyes.
Becka nodded to the DJ and raised her violin. When the background music started Becka’s eyes fell closed. I could tell she was mentally leaving the room. Escaping for the moment where no one could reach her. Only instead of embodying dejection like before, she looked peaceful.
Becka began to play, and time stopped.
I watched in amazement as the entire room became entranced by her. The song was bold and strong, with sections of calm softness. It took you through a range of emotions that had you hyped one second and falling into serenity the next.
She played flawlessly. It wasn’t just the music drawing people in, it was the way she played with every fiber of her being. Her eyes remained closed in concentration, but her body moved like the music flowed from her soul. Strong tight arms played while her body movements matched the song’s rhythm perfectly.
Amazing. Breathtaking.
Not a single person out of three hundred people spoke or looked away. My chest swelled with a pride I couldn’t measure. That’s my wife. I still didn’t believe I deserved her, but I would do everything in my power to make her happy.
The big question was, could I make her happy? Back on the alter when she nodded back, my heart hit my ribs so hard it hurt. She was all I ever secretly wanted. But in a months time would Becka realize she couldn’t stand this life, or me any longer?
I wouldn’t blame you, sweetheart.
The song continued and was no less thrilling to watch as the minutes ticked by. Becka was so captivating to watch hardly anyone in the room twitched as the music boomed through the speakers.
When the song ended the room erupted into applause and whistling that shook the walls. Becka placed her violin in its case and rushed to meet Arianna who was crossing the room to meet her. They embraced with fierce affection as the room continued to clap and praise her performance.
It took all my will power to not go to her, pull her into my arms and congratulate her with a kiss that would take her breath away. They broke apart and Arianna signaled to the DJ to ramp up the music. The girls headed to the dance floor that was once again starting to fill with people. They disappeared into the crowd.
* * *
Well into the night I leaned against the bar, where I’d stayed most of the evening nursing Manhattans. Most of the men were hammered. Except for the dozen who were stationed around the room as security. Everyone at the wedding knew who the Russos were. What they didn’t know is we were currently in the middle of a turf war, and the security was to prevent someone from walking in and blowing everyone away without resistance.
The image of a massacre had me seeking out Becka from my spot at the bar. If someone did attack, would I be able to get to her in time?
She was on the dance floor looking sexy as ever, throwing her head back laughing at something Arianna was saying. I couldn’t drag my eyes away. Wishing like hell we weren’t hiding our marriage so I could go dance with her like I had the first night we met. And I wasn’t about to assume she would be willing to grind on me in this setting, without people thinking we were together.
“You are one lucky son-of-a-bitch.”
Nico’s voice broke my concentration. I turned to him with death in my eyes. I had warned him once about his words concerning Becka, he wouldn’t get another. “Careful, Nico.”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. I just came over to give you some friendly advice.” Nico nodded towards the room. “Look around the room. Who are all the men staring at?”
I didn’t have to look, I knew who they were looking at. My Becka. They had been drooling over her all night. So far, I had been able to keep myself in check, but every time another suitor approached her, my inner caveman would spring to life. Roaring and swinging a club over his head, wanting to smash anyone who looked at her inappropriately.
“I don’t know how long you planned on keeping the whole thing a secret, but if you don’t at least publicly claim her soon, you are going to have trouble on your hands.”
I wasn’t even able to consider what Nico said before Serena appeared in front of me. I straightened from my leaning position, pinning her with a furious gaze.
“Hello Luca,” she drawled in a saturnine voice.
“Get the hell away from me.”
“You can’t deny me forever, Luca.”
“Watch me,” I spat.