Page 79 of Dare To Love Me
“What the hell boss?” Davide bit out. “I was just teaching the whore how to be friendly.”
I was seeing red. I wanted nothing more than to slit Davide’s throat. My hand gripped the hilt of the blade with crushing force. “She’s mine,” I snarled through gritted teeth.
His eyes bulged out of his head. “Oh shit. Luca I didn’t know. Please. Please.” His terrified begging filled the otherwise empty hallway.
“Well, you do now.” My gut wrenched tight with the need to spill blood. “Don’t scream.” Davide’s eyes widened.
Before he could beg for mercy I pulled the knife away from his throat and plunged it into his shoulder, covering his mouth with my other hand. His muffled screams were hot against my palm. I twisted the blade back and forth as he hollered in pain. Warm sticky blood leaked from the wound.
But I wanted more. To carve the guy up for putting his hands on Becka. Skin him alive or set him on fire. To cause the amount of pain that would be equal to my fury. Acknowledging my own failure was the only thing that stopped me.
If everyone had known that Becka belonged to me this never would have happened. Every man present knew the rule; no laying a hand on a member’s woman. The memory of Lorenzo’s hands on her was still fresh in my mind, burning painfully. Being Boss was the only reason he had gotten away with it that night.
Stepping away I released the handle, leaving the knife imbedded in his shoulder. Blood soaked through his shirt and coat. Davide bent over whimpering in pain.
“Get him out of here before he bleeds all over the floor,” I ordered Nico. “Go out a back way so none of the guests see you. I’ll tell Matteo.”
“Got it,” Nico answered with a nod.
I took off down the hall in the direction Becka had gone. I had to find her.
I plowed through the bathroom door, it smacked the wall then swung closed behind me with a thud. My body still vibrated with rage, muscles coiled so tight they hurt.
I didn’t know what to expect but what I saw cemented me in place. All my anger died away, replaced by overwhelming concern. My stomach turned to knots.
Becka leaned over the counter, palms flat on the marble surface, head hanging down between her arms. Her whole body shook violently. She appeared horribly fragile, like a single touch would have her shattering into a million pieces. With her chest heaving in and out, the sound of her inhales dominated the room.
She’s in shock.
Frozen in place, I didn’t know what to do. Out of everything she’d been through Becka had never looked this broken. I had started to think nothing could break her. All I knew for sure was, if she didn’t stop hyperventilating she could pass out.
“Becka?” I spoke to her cautiously.
“Did… Did you kill him?” Her voice shook with every word.
“No.” Her tight shoulders relaxed a hair, one strap of her rumpled dress fell from its place. “What happened?” I took a step forward, wanting to be closer if she indeed fainted. To hold her in my arms and chase away the tremors.
“Don’t. Please don’t come any closer,” she begged. “I just need a minute.” The shaking made her sound out of breath.
I pulled back at her request, my heart stinging with rejection. It killed me to see her so broken. Whatever pain or fear she was feeling, I wanted to take it upon myself.
“What happened?” I repeated gently.
“Apparently, he doesn’t hear the word no very often.” I still couldn’t see her face, but imagined it pale and drawn.
“Are you ok?” Stupid question. Of course she’s not ok. I mentally punched myself in the gut. I wanted to comfort her but my skills were still lax. So damn helpless, you moron.
A humorless laugh escaped her lips. “Within a week I have been: kidnapped, claimed, married, chased, violated, and spied on while getting to third base with my husband who I’ve known for only a week.” Her breathing began to even out. “And I am going to be ok.” Becka still shook but her voice was hard as iron. “I refuse to let it break me. I was made stronger than any of this. Not even Serena’s threats…”
“She threatened you?” Hearing that was enough to have my anger bubbling to the surface, but I held it down. When the hell had that happened? I wanted to ask, but Becka needed me to listen. We would revisit that later.
She continued without responding to me. “Or a drunk piece of shit will break me. Nothing can come at me that I can’t handle.” She sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than anything.
God, this woman is amazing.Strong in a way that was proving hard for me to comprehend.
Then I heard the soft sound of a sob, her head dropped a little lower.