Page 81 of Dare To Love Me
Ipeered up into Luca’s dark brown eyes overflowing with emotion. Everything inside me tingled at the feelings they invoked. Luca held me tenderly, with a closeness that went beyond the physical.
Then I felt eyes burning holes into the sides of my head and back. My focus jumped around the room to find everyone watching us. No not us, him. The entire room focused on Luca with the varying expressions of shock and incredulity. Confusion had my head spinning.
“Luca, why are they all staring at us?” I whispered.
He chuckled. “Because I’ve never done this before.”
My eyes found his. “Done what?”
“Danced with someone.”
“What? Never? But us, at the club that night? You danced with me.”
“My first time in many years.” His voice was soft, caressing my heart.
Stunned silence took over me. My gaze skipped around the room again. People still stared like they were witnessing pigs fly. Then realization hit me. Luca had done this purposely. He did something so out of character to make sure everyone would take notice.
My mouth opened to ask why, when I felt his hand on my chin. He captured my focus and I was made speechless by his expression.
“I could never tire of you, Becka,” he spoke against my lips. “You are the bravest, strongest woman I have ever met.” His mouth brushed over mine, making my eyelids flutter. “You are mine to keep and mine to cherish. And now everyone knows it.”
My heart exploded with a surge of warmth. Desire broke loose from the chains the day had dared to place on it. The world again melted away. Luca publicity—in a round about way—announced I was his. There was only one thing I wanted now. To go home and be his, completely.
I pressed my body against his and tried to breathe him into myself as I kissed him passionately. Running my hands up his back, I raked my nails on his shirt, feeling his muscles tense. Luca groaned in response, sending a shiver down my spine. His erection twitched against my stomach.
When I pulled back his pupils were so large they had nearly swallowed his irises. I was panting with excitement and nerves. “Take me home Luca.”
Luca’s breath caught at my request. He took a moment to search my face for any doubts. When he found none, he reached for my hand and we once again weaved our way through the crowd. He took us to the front to get my violin then headed for the door. He didn’t stop to say anything to anyone. His mind laser focused. A man on a mission.
On our way to the exit I spotted Arianna. An impish grin spread across her face, Matteo watched beside her with a raised brow. I might as well been carrying a sign that said; WE ARE LEAVING TO HAVE SEX NOW. My face flushed hot. Reality took hold of me. This is really happening.
* * *
The car ride was beyond awkward. What the hell were we supposed to talk about. I’d been so sure back at the wedding, but now in the quiet car, nervous butterflies ran wild in my veins. In the next few minutes I would be having sex with Luca. And I was terrified all over again.
The same insecurities sharpened their claws on my brain like a damn house cat. What if I couldn’t satisfy him? Luca had been with so many women, what if I turned out to be a disappointment compared to all he dreamt up? If that turned out to be the case, would he change his mind?
My heart squeezed in my chest. Just stop it!
We raced down the road. Luca stayed quiet and calm, glancing at me once in a while, smirking at my nervous state. I knew he wasn’t laughing at my expense, but it made the reality of our experiences that much more evident.
I am so out of my league.
The tires screeched to a halt as we pulled up to the front steps. Luca hopped out and rounded the car before I had even reached for the handle. My movements felt sluggish. When he opened my door and offered me his hand mine was shaking. At this point I was nothing but a bundle of nervous knots. Luca smiled again and I weak smiled back.
We moved up the path and was halfway to the door when he stopped. My lungs felt tight and my tremors were spreading to the rest of my body. It was the strangest feeling I’d ever experienced; to want something so bad and be terrified of it at the same time. He looked down at my shaking hand then to my wide eyed face.
“Becka. Are you sure?” His voice was tight. I could tell he wanted the truth, but dreaded that I would change my mind.
“I’m sure. I promise you.” I swallowed hard. “I want this,” I said, surprised at the confidence in my voice.
He nodded and we continued up the path. Luca made quick work of the security system. He closed the door and reset the system behind us then led me up the stairs and down the hall to the master bedroom.
He held the door open and I stepped inside.
My feet felt like they were made of bricks as I walked past him to the end of the bed. I suddenly found it hard to swallow, with my mouth gone dry. When I turned Luca stood by the closed door watching me. He had that same look he did at the fountain, all the hunger and confidence of a predator.