Page 94 of Dare To Love Me
Luca showed me no mercy causing my cries to come out wild and frantic. My hand went to the head board to keep from flying forward into it as his fingers dug in hard enough to leave bruises. His grunts accompanied every powerful thrust.
Crack.The sound split the air as Luca’s hand struck my ass cheek, causing a startled cry to burst from me. Then he struck me again, and again, harder each time. I panted as he marked me.
One big hand moved to my stomach trailing down to the bundle of nerves ready to set me off like a detonator. My cries turned into screams, the pleasure almost too much as I shattered, arching my back, lights danced in my eyes. But he wasn’t done.
“Damn you look so beautiful from behind. I love watching myself pound into you.”
His words had another orgasm rushing to the surface before my breath could recover form the first. Luca’s hand settled between my shoulder blades then shoved my chest into the bed, hard.
With the new angle he hit places inside I didn’t know existed. Bombs exploded when my orgasm hit with the force of a freight train. My screams of pleasure echoed in the room— probably the whole house— while Luca drove me over a cliff of overwhelming pleasure.
His fingers dug into my flesh as he buried himself to the hilt so hard I thought he would pierce my lungs. Then he climaxed, growling out in relief and exhaustion. He collapsed to the bed pulling me with him, body still trembling from the intensity of his orgasm.
Our chests puffed in and out, trying to calm our galloping hearts.
“You ok?” I asked breathlessly.
“Fuck babe, I can’t see straight.” I giggled as he pulled me in tight against him, burying his face into my hair, breathing in deep.
“It was ok.”
“Liar. Your screams say otherwise.” Strong arms squeezed me hard, teeth bit my neck.
“Ok. Ok. It was amazing. Thank you.” Our fingers laced together.
“No.” He kissed the sensitive spot behind my ear. “Thank you.”
My smile felt like a stranger, but I was happy. Luca was here. I wasn’t alone and the connection we’d built glowed around my heart. “Come on, let’s take a shower.”
After sliding off the bed I took Luca’s hand to lead him to the bathroom, hearing his feet drag across the carpet. When I flicked on the light my heart sank.
By his standards Luca looked a mess. His hair was a week past needing a cut, dark circles had formed under his eyes and his stubble was longer than I had ever seen it. Luca looked weary to the bone, with his shoulders hanging heavy in exhaustion.
This was the earliest he had been home and all I wanted to do was talk. To cuddle and share time with him. Also, to have an important discussion with him about something I had been wanting to for a week.
Now, my damn soft heart ached to see him so run down. He needed restful sleep. My question would no doubt blow that right out of the water.
Luca stood dazed with half closed eyelids while I turned on the shower and got it hot. When steam began to billow I pulled him under the water, stepping in behind him, rubbing long soothing strokes down his arms and back. Trying to draw out the stress.
His eyelids fluttered and his body listed back and forth, arms hanging limp at his sides. The more I caressed him the more his body sagged.
“How was your day?” he croaked out.
“It was fine.” Instead of bothering with the washcloth I soaped my hands and began to wash him. Luca’s hands went up to brace himself on the wall. “You’ve been working too hard,” I told him.
“I’m ok.”
“No, you are not. You’re dead on your feet. You need rest.”
“I want to talk to you and give you time. We’ve hardly spoken in over a week. I know you have things on your mind. I can see it, Becka.”
His concern had my throat clogging with emotion. “You’re right, there are some things that I want to talk about. But not when you are like this. Will you be here in the morning?”
“Yes, I promise. I won’t leave until you are awake and we talk.”
“Then sleep now and we will talk in the morning. Ok?”
“Ok.” He took my hands and pulled my arms around him so my front pressed into his back. Soft lips grazed my knuckles. “You’re an angel,” he sighed.