Page 20 of Outlaw's Prize
Present Day
Knuckles does not show up at the charity run. I feel bad for what I did, given our history before I was appointed president, but he still had no right to talk to me like he did.
The little carnival we set up is flooded with people wearing T-shirts with our logos on one side and Jasmine’s Home on the back, the name of the children’s home. The turn out is incredible and the excitement is thrilling, but it’s not enough. It feels like it’s not enough. I’ve been constantly looking around, hoping Knuckles will show so he doesn’t miss out on the fun. Plus, I want to make sure he’s okay.
“He will come around.” Hawk’s voice and a pat on my back comfort me. He stands next to me with his hand on my shoulder still.
“I shouldn’t have acted out of anger.”
“Yeah. You shouldn’t have but he also should not have crossed the line. Knuckles is fine. He is just being Knuckles and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will start having some damn fun. We don’t get to see such days with such turnouts every day. You are here, he is not. Let that sink in.”
The purpose of the event wasn’t just so we could raise money for Jasmine’s Home, but to show the children and everyone there who we really are. That we’re not defined by the clothes we wear or the vehicles we drive or our backgrounds. Regardless of the path we choose, we can mold our lives into whatever we want. If they want to be a firefighter or an accountant, they can do it, and still be their own person. The children here need support, insight, and love. They’re getting all of that in tenfold today.
By the end of the day we’ve raised $53,000 for the home. I couldn’t be happier. People that helped out, supplying water and food were also given a prize for helping out. Knowing the pain of having no bio family, I understand what it means to the children to be the central part of the event. I chuckled watching my men running around and chasing the kids. Crow even let a girl paint his face. A great day, indeed.
Everyone starts leaving as we start breaking down everything and then we read stories to the kids before bedtime. I love seeing the looks on the faces of the children as big, scary bikers read them fairytales. It’s the highlight of my day.
The day’s motto, because we do life better together is given a deeper meaning by the end of it all. Seeing everyone happy, made me happy and that was the end goal. Life cannot dwell on that moment alone. I can only hope the feeling will last a little longer.