Page 13 of A Highwayman's Kiss
But the time was near. He could practically feel it on the night air. He kissed Abigail on the top of her head, concentrating on what Abigail was saying once again.
‘… And so, I look at what I’ve managed to glean from our conversations regarding who you are—but my gleanings make for a meagre pile.’ Abigail laughed. ‘Your name is Marcus, you ride your horse well and cook almost as well as you ride, you steal diamonds from the rich and give the proceeds to the poor. I only know the last two things because I’ve seen them—well, half of the last one—and you could very well be inventing your name.’
‘I can’t give you enough information to satisfy you, I know it—but know, at least, that Marcus is my true name.’
‘And there are only ten thousand or so men named Marcus in England.’ Abigail sighed, rolling her eyes in a way that Marcus couldn’t help but find exceptionally endearing. ‘What a tremendous help you’ve been.’
‘I told you that I’d leave you unsatisfied.’
‘Well… I wouldn’t quite say that.’ The light blush that came to Abigail’s cheeks as she smiled made Marcus think of pink roses, of windfall apples. ‘You have satisfied me most expertly today.’
‘Oh, yes?’
‘Yes. I… I can only apologise for my lack of expertise.’ Abigail looked away for a moment, clearly embarrassed. ‘I am incapable of pleasing you in the way that you please me.’
Did she really think that he had been left without satisfaction after almost two days and a night of dizzying pleasure? Marcus gently tilted Abigail’s face towards his, kissing each corner of her mouth before he responded. ‘You give me more pleasure than you can possibly imagine.’
‘I do?’
‘Oh, yes.’ Marcus kissed her. By now kissing her was familiar, but every time he did it he wanted to do it more. The feel of Abigail’s lips made his cock stir. ‘But then, I think you secretly know that.’
‘I assure you, I don’t.’
‘You look absolutely divine when you’re arguing with me.’
‘I do?’
‘So divine that you make me want to return to what we’ve been doing for most of the day?’
‘Ah.’ Abigail smiled through Marcus’ kiss. ‘And perhaps…’
‘Perhaps what?’
‘Perhaps… go further?’
Marcus pulled away. He stared at Abigail, his heart suddenly beating much faster. ‘Further?’
‘Yes. Because… because I understand that there is a further. At least, from what I’ve managed to glean from books I shouldn’t have read and conversations that I shouldn’t have overheard.’ Abigail paused. ’No?’
She wanted him to make love to her. Not that what they’d spent all day doing hadn’t counted as lovemaking, but this was different. Marcus slowly nodded, trying desperately to organise his thoughts.
‘I… I worry that I’ll hurt you.’ Perhaps an unmanly thing to admit, but it was true. He didn’t want to cause Abigail even a minute’s discomfort. ‘That’s all that stops me.’
‘Please don’t let that stop you. Please.’ Abigail stroked along Marcus’ cheekbone with one finger; Marcus shivered, astonished at the power of her touch. ‘Because…’
‘Because I once had a future written in stone, and now it’s unwritten. And I worry that if I turn my head, if I lose concentration for even a moment, someone else will write it for me again and… and this moment, in all its perfection, will be gone.’ Abigail bit her lip, her eyes shining. ‘So anything, anything I can cling to so I can keep myself here, in this moment…’
It was enough for Marcus. More than enough; every word Abigail said only made him more ready, more willing. With a swift nod, and a look that he hoped let Abigail know that he would treat her with respect as well as lust, he brought his lips to hers again.
‘Whatever you wish.’ He whispered to her through the kiss, his cock aching. ‘Anything and everything you wish.’
The kiss was long and sweet, burning with sentiments that he and Abigail had tiptoed around but hadn’t named. Abigail gently caressed Marcus’ shoulders and chest, her touches growing more lingering and salacious as Marcus moved to kiss her neck, her shoulders, the sensual valley leading to her breasts.
It was almost uncanny, how well he already knew her body. Ever since that first kiss he’d been unable to stop touching her, even the briefest touch of her cheek or stroke of her waist; he’d learned every detail of her shape, every part of her that gave her pleasure. Marcus fell upon her with the technique of an expert and the passion of an amateur, slipping Abigail’s full breasts free of her bodice as he kissed her with all the lust he possessed.
God, she felt good under his hands. The velvet of her skin, the throbbing pink of her hard nipples; Marcus eagerly kissed and licked his way over the ripe swell of Abigail’s flesh, her whimpers of delight sending wicked shivers of pleasure down Marcus’ spine until he was moaning in tandem with her. Moaning as he sucked her nipples with deep, lustful tugs, one hand sliding up to Abigail’s inner thigh and resting against her mound.