Page 15 of Mail Order Misprint
Chapter Five
Sydney wasn’t even a little bit surprised to see Lewis walk into Alice’s house with Albert that evening. Alice grinned at her brother-in-law. “Oh, good! I was hoping I could rope you into having supper with us!”
“I’m surprised Susan let you steal her guest for the evening,” Lewis said, grinning at Sydney.
“Me too,” Alice said. “I think she was hoping her ultimate plans will be better served with a small group of people at supper.”
Sydney rolled her eyes. “Just say it. She wants Lewis and I to marry and give her a dozen grandchildren.”
“Make that two dozen, and you’ll be right,” Lewis said, winking at her. “She loves the idea of having children she can spoil and then send home to their parents.”
“She’s very good at doing just that!” Alice said, looking down at little Rachel, who was playing on the floor with an old rag doll.
“I’m almost afraid to even think about that,” Sydney said, shaking her head. “I feel like people are trying to plan my life for me, just like they did back in Beckham.”
Alice stopped what she was doing and looked at her new friend. “Not at all. It’s all good natured. If you meet a man at church you prefer, no one would be even the least bit upset. You are free to marry whomever you wish here.”
“I do hope you wish to marry me, though,” Lewis said.
“I’ve had a meal with you, taken a walk with you, and shared one kiss. I have a feeling I should know you a little better than that before I agree to marry you.”
“Another kiss or two might convince her,” Albert said, slapping his brother on the shoulder.
“Maybe if she saw my house…” Lewis said.
Albert shook his head. “Looks just like mine. And now I’ve saved your reputation from ruin, and you don’t have to be alone in Lewis’s house with him.”
Sydney laughed. “I think it’s silly for reputations to be ruined so easily. My mother had maids following me for a long time, but then when I started riding my bicycle, they couldn’t keep up.”
“I want to take a turn on that contraption of yours,” Lewis said, smiling at her. “Would you mind teaching me to ride?”
“I’d love to! I can’t teach Susan or Alice since they’re both expecting, but I can teach any of you menfolk.”
Lewis and Albert exchanged a glance. “Susan is expecting again?” Albert asked.
“Oh, was that supposed to be a secret?” Sydney felt terrible breaking the news to Susan’s stepsons that way. She was certain the other woman would prefer to tell people herself.
Alice shrugged. “She didn’t tell us it was a secret, so you can’t be upset with yourself for saying something.”
Sydney sighed. “I guess I can’t, but it still feels as though I’ve done something wrong.”
“You haven’t.” Alice put the food on the table before picking up Rachel and putting her in her highchair.
Once the four adults were sitting, they bowed their heads automatically, and Lewis said a prayer over the meal.
“I love your chicken and dumplings even more than Susan’s,” Lewis said, looking excited about the meal.
“It looks and smells delicious,” Sydney said, looking forward to trying the new meal.
“Wait until you taste it!” Albert said excitedly. “I could eat this every night for a month.”
“A beef rancher loving chicken that much? Isn’t that against the law?” Lewis asked his brother.
“Shhhsh,” Albert said.
Lewis laughed as he took his first bite of the dumplings, looking ecstatic. “Best batch I’ve had the pleasure of eating, Alice. Are you sure you don’t want to get rid of this awful husband of yours and marry me? I’d let you cook this every night!”
Alice just smiled, watching Sydney to see her reaction.