Page 3 of Alien Warrior Seduced
“I trust no one,” I sighed, “not even myself sometimes.” Forcing my manic fingers to stop thrumming, I sat up straight, shoulders back. I wondered if I looked as regal as my father once had sitting on this very seat. “I’ll expect your guarantee in writing. A legal delegation will arrive shortly to retrieve the documentation.”
Magnum grinned wider, nodding slowly. His image flickered on the screen. Likely from the solar flares. There’d been massive interference from the suns lately.
“Well, now, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Before waving a hand to erase the viewer, I studied Magnum’s self-satisfied expression.
“Magnum, my legal team will read the contract thoroughly. Fine print included.”
His smile faltered, but anyone fractionally less perceptive might have missed the change. “I’d expect nothing less,” he drawled. And then he erased the screen first—which was an insult given my royal station.
Alone, with no one to judge me, I slumped down in the throne.
What had I agreed to? What had I done?
I’d saved my planet, the way my ancestors had. And this time the only price was my own life.