Page 57 of Baby Heal the Pain
That was an odd way to put it. I arched an eyebrow. “You two do a pretty good job of taking care of yourselves and each other.”
“That’s easier knowing the best field doc in HEAT is looking out for us,” Li said.
Someone cleared their throat from the doorway. The three of us turned to see Frank standing there, wearing a ridiculous white lab coat over his black dress slacks, white dress shirt, and blue striped tie.
“Frank, what brings you to the medical bay?” I asked.
He stepped into the room, scowling. “Dr. Bond.”
Frank had rigid views of how underlings should address leadership, which were terms he used to describe HEAT operatives’ relationships to their team leads and doctors. He was also a stickler about being addressed as Dr. Sloane when in the presence of said underlings, the same way he’d insisted I address him when I’d been his patient. He was a good physician, but Christ on toast, the man was a pompous pain in my ass.
I smiled to appear less annoyed than I felt. “It’s nice to see you, Dr. Sloane.”
“I wish I could say the same.”
I frowned. So much for playing nice.
“You’re suspended from this mission, Dr. Bond,” he said.
“From being in the field, not from checking my team’s health,” I insisted.
“And Dr. Bond checks up on us most days anyway,” Kessler said.
I flashed her a warning look, sensing that she was itching to tangle with Frank. No one on the team particularly liked him, but Kessler downright hated him. She said he was hard for her to read, which in her experience meant she was either in love with him or he was a psychopath. And she was decidedly not in love with him. I always reminded her that even someone with her talents couldn’t bat a thousand.
Kessler ignored me and shot one of her long legs into the air. She hiked up the hem of her skirt and adjusted her thigh-high tights. “Besides, we’re shy.”
Li stifled a laugh and nodded earnestly. “Not to mention, we’re on our periods.”
“Put down your leg,” I told Kessler. I smiled again at Frank. “Pre-mission adrenaline. I find it helps to—”
“I find it childish, Dr. Bond.” He huffed. “I’ll allow you to conduct the physicals, but I want to speak with you before I leave for the mission. I’ll be back shortly.” He left and closed the door behind him.
Kessler and Li stared at me.
“What the hell was that?” Kessler said.
I sighed loudly. “Another example of Frank’s—I mean Dr. Sloane’s—unending disappointment in me. You two were no help. And you know playing the period card usually doesn’t work with male doctors.”
Li shrugged. “It was worth a shot. And he left, didn’t he? So maybe we scared him a little bit.”
“Run, little bunny, run,” Kessler said, sneering at the door. “I can’t believe we have to take him with us today. If I thought we’d be in any real danger, I’d probably get myself suspended for giving X and TJ a piece of my mind about it.”
“Then let’s be thankful we only have to work with him today,” Li said. “And please, Doc, let’s keep it that way. Don’t get yourself suspended again.”
“I don’t plan to do so,” I assured them.
But I did plan to leave, and for some length of time, Frank would probably be their field doctor until X could fill my position. I knew the next three best doctors in HEAT. Any of them would be competent to care for my team, but it could take weeks or even months to find a replacement for whomever she would promote.
I checked Tactical Team’s vitals, as well as their eyes, ears, noses, throats, and reflexes. Then I asked about aches and pains, and reviewed their medications—of which they took almost none—even though I knew them by heart. Kessler was correct, I didn’t only track their health on mission days. I knew each team member’s needs, down to the size tube necessary in the event they ever required intubation and which arm was more receptive to needles in case I had to run an IV line. Every bit of that information was recorded in the charts and accessible at the touch of a button to HEAT doctors with permission to view Alpha Team’s medical files, but that didn’t mean my replacement would seek it out and learn it by heart, a step that could conserve life-saving time in an emergency.
I pronounced Kessler and Li mission ready, then repeated the process with Penn and Sparks. Then I cleaned the room and washed my hands in preparation for joining the team in the downstairs briefing room. With any luck, I’d escape the medical bay before Frank returned to lambaste me about whatever was stuck in his craw this time.
Unfortunately, my luck ran out. I met Frank in the doorway.
“Dr. Bond, as I said earlier, I’d like a word.”
“I nearly forgot,” I lied. I stepped back into the room and motioned for him to sit.