Page 71 of Baby Heal the Pain
He sighed. “Where should I wait for you?”
I suppressed a smile. “Medical bay. I’ll be there in a few.”
He followed Jensen out the door, leaving only TJ and me. “Hey boss, I need a minute.”
“Sure, Bond. What’s up?” He sat back down, possibly too tired to stand much longer.
I hoped Jensen took it easy on the drinks tonight or it was likely none of us would make it back to our rooms before we passed out.
“We said we’d reconvene after today’s mission,” I reminded him.
“Really, you don’t want to sleep on it?”
“I don’t.” I sat down and laid my hands flat on the conference table. “I’m staying.”
He shook his head. “I really feel like this came out of nowhere and... Wait, you said staying?”
“Staying,” I confirmed. “As in not leaving.”
“I’m dead on my feet, but picture me doing a happy dance.” He leaned back in his chair and sighed. “I mean it, Bond. If I had to replace you right now, with everything that’s going on, I’m afraid half of Alpha Team would follow you out the door.”
“That’s... You think that? I can’t...”
He held up his hand. “It’s not flattery, just a statement of fact. Now, if I overheard correctly, I think you twisted a half-assed protocol into a direct order, which you issued to a civilian. Is that correct?”
“Yes sir. Is that a problem?”
“Not for me, but you might want to get out of here and go put the poor boy out of his misery.”
“I intend to,” I said, “unless he’s uncooperative, in which case, his misery is just beginning.”
TJ grinned. “Spoken like a true HEAT operative.”
* * *
I paced aroundthe medical bay waiting for Red. I knew her protocol story was BS. Someday I would have to tell her she was a terrible liar. I’d wait until after we’d played strip poker together many, many times. I sighed and silently told my cock to stop hijacking my internal monologue.
Red flew into the room like she had a tailwind. I took a deep breath, ready to apologize for nearly leaving her hanging at the hospital, but she grabbed my shoulders and backed me against the wall. She leaned into me and kissed me hard and long. I wrapped my hands in her silky hair and sucked on her tongue. My cock commandeered my thoughts again, and this time, I let it, enjoying the ride.
She abruptly stopped the kiss and stepped back to put a few inches of space between us. She was breathless and flushed. I waited for her declaration of love or lust or whatever the hell she wanted to tell me. “Evan Prescott, you are an idiot.”
That I hadn’t expected.
She stepped farther away from me and stood near the window. She was too far away from me for my liking and too vague for my understanding.
“If this is about that fake, post-mission check-up story, I figured it out,” I said. “I’m only here to apologize for running out on you at the hospital.”
She furrowed her brow. “You didn’t run out on me. You were waiting in the car with Jensen.”
I wanted to let it go that easily, but I wasn’t going to lie to her. I’d done that long enough by not telling her the whole truth about the shooting. “I started to run, but Jensen caught me. Not physically caught me. Realized what I was doing and hacked my Uber and... Is this making any sense?”
“As someone who has met Jensen, yes, it makes total sense. But even his unmatched hacking skills wouldn’t be enough to take you prisoner.”
I shook my head. “He provided an opportunity and maybe a bit of insight.”
“Now I don’t understand. Are we still talking about Jensen?”