Page 108 of Sensibly Wed
“Yes.” I crossed to the other sofa and sat beside Lady Edith. “I would like to forget our uncomfortable beginning and start anew, if it is agreeable to you. I think we can sometimes feel bound by our past mistakes, but we have the choice to move forward with a fresh perspective, and I choose to be the best mistress of Chelton I can. I would like your help in order to accomplish that.”
Lady Edith looked at me a long while, her cheeks pink, likely from the discomfort of the current conversation. “Yes, Felicity. I would like that very much.”
“I am glad.”
“When I told you last week that I was impressed with the way you handled Molly’s indiscretion and James’s injury, I meant it. You have the makings of a wonderful leader”—she swallowed—“and we are very lucky to have you.”
My chest warmed from her praise. “I am certain to make many mistakes.”
“As did I, in the beginning,” she said in a confiding tone. “It takes time to master this house and the army of servants who run it. But you will learn, in time, and I will be here to help you.” She reached over and took my hand, squeezing it once before dropping it.
I stood, brushing the front of my gown to avoid the sheen that suspiciously lingered in her eyes and would undoubtedly be reflected in my own soon. “I must go to meet James now.”
“Oh yes, the surprise.”
I looked up, startled. “You know of it?”
“I do.”
“Will I hate it very much?” I asked.
She smiled. “No, I don’t believe you will.”
That was a little comforting. I left to find James in the great hall, and he was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. His jacket was tight over broad shoulders and his smile trained on me. “Ready?”
“I suppose so.”
James laughed, sliding his hand into mine. “I promise, it has nothing to do with birds or arrows or shooting or fishing.”
He led me through the front door, and we stood at the top of the split staircase, the wind blowing against my face. A small horse and cart waited for us at the base of the stairs.
No, it wasn’t a small horse, though its body resembled one. It had long, pointed ears like a donkey. “You’ve bought me a mule?” I asked, a laugh tearing from my throat.
James grinned. “Yes, and I thought we could call her Stella.”