Page 41 of Sensibly Wed
Idressed in my riding habit before making my way downstairs for breakfast. The hunter green costume was nearly pristine, as it had not gotten much use in the last few years since my mama had it commissioned, and I was glad the military style with the high neck and shoulder epaulets was not quite out of fashion yet.
I made it downstairs without issue, but it took a fair amount of time—and help from the butler—to locate the parlor. I was glad to have improved at least a little in my sense of direction.
As I stood at the sideboard filling my plate, Lady Edith paused just outside the parlor door. “I have found you a maid, Felicity. She will arrive by this evening, hopefully in time to manage your hair before dinner.”
My hand sought the base of my hair on its own accord, grazing my simple knot beneath my riding hat, and I removed it when I noticed Henry watching me. “I look forward to meeting her.”
Lady Edith gave a stiff nod. “I was hoping to beg your assistance in addressing the invitations to the ball, but I can see that you have other things planned.”
“James planned a ride, but I would be happy to help with the invitations when I return.”
“That should be fine. We have many cards to write.” She walked away, and I blew out a breath.
I took my plate to the table and sat near Henry. “I did not heed your advice, and I began the book last night. I perhaps remained awake far longer than I should have.”
He looked up from the volume he had open and resting against the edge of the table, his fork suspended over a pile of eggs. “Are you enjoying it thus far?”
“Yes. It is exciting.”
“Exciting?” James said, coming into the room. He walked with the confidence of a man who knew his worth but lacked in conceit, and his very presence made my chest warm in anticipation. “May I inquire what has earned that title? Or, no—allow me to guess.”
I could not refuse such a gleeful man. “I doubt you will guess it, but you are most welcome to try.”
James took a plate and scooped breakfast onto it. “The prospect of riding with me this morning?”
“I am afraid that is not what we were speaking of.” Neither was it something I would title exciting.
“Blast.” He smiled, then paused just before his chair, his gaze sweeping appreciatively over my costume. “You look lovely today, Felicity.”
Warmth bled into my cheeks, and I dipped my head. “Thank you, but that is not what we were speaking of, either.”
“Hmm.” He sat beside me and pulled a napkin onto his lap. “I know it is not the ball, so I imagine my mother’s need for assistance is off the list too. Is it the dinner Cook has planned for this evening?”
“Wrong again. What is the dinner planned?”
“I haven’t the faintest,” James said around a bite of egg.
It occurred to me then that it was my responsibility to know the dinner menu. Another thing I would need to ask Lady Edith about. “Shall I tell you what’s exciting?”
James looked from me to Henry. “Yes. Clearly I am not going to guess it.”
Henry made a grunt that could possibly have also been a laugh.
I cleared my throat, aware of the tension settling around us. “It was the book Henry leant me last night. I remained awake far too long reading it, and it was unwise of me.”
“Because you are tired?”
“Because it is a gothic novel, and I am bound to have nightmares if I persist. I should only read it during daylight hours now. Or so I have decided.”
Henry laughed. “If you had heeded my advice—”
“Yes, well, I will now.” I swung my smile from Henry to James and found that my husband was not laughing. His sober gaze was focused on his breakfast.
He took a roll from his plate and stood. “I am ready, if you are.”
I had not yet finished eating, but perhaps that was a good thing. I did not think I would do so well riding on a full stomach. I pushed my plate away and stood as well. “Ready.”