Page 24 of Light the Fire
But so was his.
I inhaled, keeping my eyes locked on his. A new smell caught my attention. Sour, but also sweet. Narrowing my gaze at him, I cocked my head in challenge. I wasn’t going to be the first to look away, and the smirk that toyed at the side of his mouth said he knew it.
“You’ve never seen a naked man before, have you, Kitten?” he asked. Surprisingly, there was no judgment or malice in his tone. No teasing, just open curiosity.
I clenched my jaw tight. My pulse was out of control, and the flare of his nostrils said he knew it.
“They didn’t teach you how to seduce? I thought they taught most of the Hellcats how to seduce. The art of sexual interrogation. Psychological warfare. That’s what the entire compound in Sector Eight near the old Las Vegas strip is for. Honey traps and all of that. At least, that’s the only reason they sent us.”
Desperate not to let my thoughts play out over my expression, I swiped my hand over my face and broke eye contact with him. My other hand shot out, and I gripped the railing, my knuckles aching from how damn hard I was clenching them. The bay we were in was dead calm, so it wasn’t like I needed stability from the boat pitching side to side.
“I’ve nothing to hide,” he said plainly. “Look if you’re curious.” There went that tug of his lip again. Now I really wished I had my Yakku blade in my hand so I could shove it into his spleen.
“I already looked,” I said, not bothering to give him a second glance, even though I was seriously curious about what was between his legs and how it worked.
“Like what you see?” he asked, his tone teasing and mean.
“Looks uncomfortable if you ask me. Like your insides fell out of your body.”
His chuckle was dark and laden with something I could only describe assinful.
Ugh! I hadn’t even known this guy for a day, and already he was somebody I’d much rather gut with a knife and throw to the crabs as carrion.
I was done talking to him. So without giving him a chance to reply with some quick quip drenched in sarcasm and spite, I gracefully pulled myself up onto the railing and dove into the inky water.
Did all men look like that between their legs?
That had to be really inconvenient. Wouldn’t something so long and hard constantly get in the way as they walked, ran, and fought?
The water was brisk but not cold, and I welcomed the enveloping silence as I stayed under for several seconds.
Eventually, though, I had to pop up and take a breath, and of course, who should be standing there, smug, naked and with that giant tree branch of a thing between his legs practically winking at me, but Zane.
“Cooled off that temper yet, Kitten?” he asked. “I didn’t think cats liked the water.”
I glared and growled but then nearly sank to the bottom of the sea when who should come to stand next to him, also not wearing any clothes, but Rix and Jorik. Only what hung between their legs looked different than Zane’s.
Not for long, though.