Page 40 of Light the Fire
She stopped to pick up some bittercress and put it in the bag before she spoke again. “I know that my questions have made you guys uncomfortable, and although I don’t necessarily understand the context as to why, I appreciate you answering them anyway.”
She smiled at me and it was like the clouds had parted and the sun was shining only for me.
I smiled and reached out to tuck a strand of her honey-blonde hair behind her ear. “I can’t imagine the shit you’ve been through, Haina. Any questions you have, we’ll try to answer them as best we can. And I will always tell you the truth.”
“I appreciate that. And I know I can trust you to always be truthful with me.” Her blue eyes sparkled. “You also have atellwhen you’re lying.”
My head reared back slightly. “I do? My pulse doesn’t change. Unte made sure of that. Put us through countless lie-detectors and torture procedures to make sure our heart rate didn’t spike when we lied.”
“I know,” she said plainly. “But your lips twist to the side ever so slightly when you’re not telling the truth. If I wasn’t trained to notice such things, I wouldn’t.”
“When have I lied to you?” I wracked my brain to come up with a moment where we’d been together and I’d given her anything but the truth.
She giggled and it was like fucking music. “The other night when I tried to make dinner on my own. I must have burned the groundcone a little too much and when I asked you how it tasted, you said it was delicious, but it clearly wasn’t.”
My mouth opened, then closed, but I didn’t say anything for a hot minute. She was right. She’d burned the groundcone in the cast-iron skillet and it was very bitter. But I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, since she was trying so hard to earn her keep and contribute to our group, so I told her it tasted great, even though it was like licking a lump of coal.
She shrugged and smiled. “I know you were trying to spare my feelings, but you don’t have to. I’d rather you be honest and tell me it’s inedible, then choke back something disgusting just to keep me from being offended. I might be a naïve kitten, but my skin is surprisingly thick. I’m more used to criticism than I am praise.”
“Fuck, Wildcat,” I said, turning away and scratching the back of my neck. “That’s messed up. But I also understand.”
She moved toward me, taking the hem of my shirt to pull me to face her once more. “Its okay. Just keep telling me the truth, no matter what, and it’s all good.” Then she hit me with another one of those smiles and it knocked the air clean from my lungs.
I nodded. “Deal.”
Her lips twisted for a second, and she glanced away, her cheeks flooded with pink, and her pulse sped up. “I’ve been … finding pleasure lately,” she said, finding my eyes again.
Oh yeah, we knew. At least twice a day, Haina would go into the cabin of the boat, lie on the bed and make herself come. And she wouldn’t close a damn door when she did it either. We didn’t go down there while she was doing it, obviously, but a part of me figured she wouldn’t care if we did. She was just that oblivious—or ignorant—or whatever to what was private and what wasn’t.
We’d been raised very differently, it seemed. Her in a world of zero privacy, zero outside world education, no love, no care or compassion, and the guys and I in a world similar, but with companionship, a brotherhood, and outside world experience and skills.
Zane, Jorik and I were raised like brothers and had very little qualms with nudity, but I knew well enough that generally, people hid their bodies when they were around people they didn’t know. And sex and masturbation were private subjects.
Haina didn’t know this though.
She wandered around naked quite often and had no issues pleasuring herself so we could hear. I was surprised she hadn’t just started masturbating in front of us after dinner.
I was stricken with the dilemma of whether this was a pro or a con.
I loved hearing her come, but I also didn’t want to exploit her discovery.
“You haven’t said anything for nearly a minute,” she said, lifting a brow.
I cleared my throat and shot her a big, cheesy smile. “Whoops! Sorry.”
Her brow hiked higher.
“You gonna say anything?” she asked.
“About what?” I pretended that I couldn’t remember what she’d said, even though the sounds of her orgasms filled my dreams. I could conjure them into my mind like a well-known lullaby. I certainly went to sleep hearing them in my mind.
“About me finding pleasure,” she said innocently.
“Right.” I nodded, far too emphatically. “What about it?”
She didn’t believe me, but whatever, I wasn’t perfect. I was doing the best I could here. Eventually, she shook her head and shrugged. “I just…” Her shoulders slumped. “Zane said something the other night about cocks going into pussies as part of the wholeseductionthing and I just…”