Page 53 of Light the Fire
They all shook their heads.
“We’ll figure something out, Angel, don’t worry,” Jorik said, his tone gentle as his green eyes turned soft and sympathetic.
I chewed on my bottom lip. “If they stuck a tracker to my liver or something I’m going to be seriously pissed off.”
Zane snorted. “The kitten is going to start hissing?”
I lifted my chin toward him. “Hissing, clawing and biting, yeah. Wanna see?”
All he did was lift a brow and it was infuriating.
Ignoring the man I wanted to shove overboard, I sat up straighter, and turned to Jorik with a heavy sigh. “Let’s see if we can remove those team deactivation chips while we’ve got our blades out, hmm?”
We located the team deactivation chips on all three of them, but they were so heavily tethered to their spines that they were impossible to remove. I’d never felt so defeated in all my life. If one of them died, they all died. How on earth did that make any sense?
Zane shifted where he sat and winced.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
He shot me a glare. “I’m fine.”
“Let me check your dressing.” I made to touch his leg, but he brushed me off almost aggressively. It was enough for me to recoil and for my heart to take a severe hit. He let out a pained sigh. “I’m sorry—”
I shook my head quickly. “No. It’s fine. I, uh… I’m going to go below deck for a bit. Put away dinner stuff. Tidy up.” I glanced at Rix and Jorik. “Sorry.” Then I gathered all of our dishes and retreated below.
Zane exhaled.
“You’re such a prick,” Rix murmured. “She was only trying to help.”
I tuned out their conversation as best I could and busied myself with cleaning up the dishes from dinner. A couple of tears fell, but I banished them away with my hand and set my jaw tight.
I’d been through so much worse. This was not worth crying over. I’d been tortured and trained to within an inch of my life, and I hadn’t cried then. This, Zane, were not worth my tears.
I’d located a second set of bedding in one of the storage compartments, which was a good thing, because the bedding we were using was pretty gross. So I pulled the dirty sheets off—we’d have to find a stream to wash them in—and was putting on the new sheets when noise on the ladder pulled my attention.
I could already tell that it was Rix. I knew each man by their gait and heartbeat.
Rix’s gait was steady, sure and with a bit of a bounce. It made sense since his personality was bouncy and more jovial than the other two. His heart rate was also faster—just barely—than the other two.
He met me in the bedroom, his enormous frame blocking the door. “Ignore Zane. He gets extra cranky when he’s hurt.”
“He gets extra cranky when he breathes air,” I snapped back, pulling the bottom sheet with elastic corners over the mattress.
Rix stepped forward and helped me with the other side. “That’s true.”
“It’s fine,” I huffed. “Hisapprovalof me is not keeping me up at night, believe me.”
We finished remaking the bed, then I gathered all the dirty linens, rolled them into a ball and stuffed them under the bed until we could find a stream to wash them in.
I glanced up at Rix. “Do you think there is a tracker somewhere else on me? Somewhereinme?”
He nodded, his gaze roaming my face for a moment before traveling farther south down my body. “I do.”
Exhaling, I sat down on the edge of the bed. “Great. Even though we’ve destroyed your trackers, we’re still sitting ducks.”
He lifted his shoulder. “You seemed to take care of the bad guys, no problem.” I glanced at him, and his big grin made me smile. “From what I understand, you took down four, while Zane barely took down one.”
“Hetoldyou that?” It surprised me that Zane hadn’t claimed glory for all five guys being killed.